         by senocular

Everything in Flash happens based on events. These events can be either user initiated such as with the onMouseDown event or the pressing of a button, or can come as a result of the the passing of frames within the Flash timeline. When taking advantage of the latter, one often uses the onEnterFrame event, allowing an action or a series of actions to occur every frame. With these kinds of actions, animations can be coded to play synchronous with the passing of time along the Flash timeline. However, the progressing of the play head along the Flash timeline though is strictly based on the movie's set FPS (Frames Per Second) or frame rate. This means that any action you associate with an onEnterFrame event will be played every frame and will happen [FPS] times a second. For example, if the frame rate of your movie was 12 frames per second, then an onEnterFrame event would occur 12 times every second (assuming Flash is fast enough to keep up). SetInterval is a function in Flash MX that allows you to set your own time-based event similar to onEnterFrame, though based on a user defined interval of time.

In attempt to avoid all of that onEnterFrame/play head complexity, we can think of an interval, conceptually, as steady drum beat from within a song. Commonly drum beats are simple repetitions of someone hitting a drum over and over again to maintain a constant beat or rhythm to go along with a song. Given a song with such a beat on a CD, if you were to insert the CD into your CD player and hit play, you would start hearing the song and the drum beat. Pressing stop would then stop the song and you would no longer hear that beat. Basically what setInterval is, is the CD player for playing a drum beat within a flash "song" (or movie), only you get to tell setInterval how fast you want your drums to beat. Of course, in Flash, you wont be beating drums, but rather executing code. Before getting into that though, we should take a look at a javascript function that is very similar to setInterval.

Javascript's setTimeout
For anyone accustomed to javascipt, setInterval may seem familiar because of its similarity javascript's own setTimeout function (note there is also a setInterval for javascript but setTimeout helps set the stage for it so its used here as an example). What setTimeout does is takes a javascript operation and performs that operation after a given amount of specified time. With this, one would be able to, for instance, create a link which, when clicked, would create an alert box could appear, but only after a 2 second delay. See javascript example below:

function ShowMessage(){
<a href="javascript: ID = setTimeout('ShowMessage()', 2000);
void(0);">Click here</a>

Click here

What this does is, when the Click here link is pressed, calls setTimeout to run the command ShowMessage after a time of 2 seconds (2000 milliseconds). a void(0) is used to prevent the link from trying to load the return value given by the setTimeout function. SetTimeout returns a timeout identifier that allows you to interrupt and prevent the oncoming setTimeout operation with the clearTimeout() function. In the instance of the above example, should you want to prevent the alert from finally popping up, you would use clearTimeout on the return value of the setTimeout call (which you would have had to assign to a variable). Example:

function ShowMessage(){
<a href="javascript: ID = setTimeout('ShowMessage()', 2000);
void(0);">Click here</a><br>
<a href="javascript: clearTimeout(ID);">Kill alert</a>

Click here
Kill alert

If Kill alert is clicked within 2 seconds after clicking Click here, the setTimeout will be stopped and ShowMessage() will not be executed.

Actionscript's setInterval
SetInterval is similar but with some important differences. One of the biggest is that setInterval in Flash creates a repeating operation which will continually call a passed function over and over again - like with a drum beat. setTimeout, as seen above, will run the operation once, then stop. A setTimeout function can be set to call itself over again to mimic this kind of reoccurrence. Example:

function ShowMessage2(){
ID = setTimeout('ShowMessage2()', 2000);
<a href="javascript: ID = setTimeout('ShowMessage2()', 2000);
void(0);">Click here</a><br>
<a href="javascript: clearTimeout(ID);">Kill alert</a>

Click here
Kill alert

When Click here is clicked, the alert message will display after 2 seconds and then continue to play until Kill alert is clicked clearing interval ID with clearTimeout. It is important to know that because of this, you would NOT want to call a setInterval in an onEnterFrame event. setInterval is not meant to be called over and over again in quick succession. It, by itself, does that through successively calling the function passed at the interval specified. It's comparable to setting an onEnterFrame only not setting a function to be called every frame, but rather once every time the time specified has elapsed, and onEnterFrame events aren't called in onEnterFrame events.

Another difference is that setTimeout gets passed a string of a Javascript action which is to be evaluated and run. SetInterval, on the other hand, gets passed a function name (that's without the '()') which is to be called within that interval, allowing you to specify parameters for that function call after the interval parameter. SetInterval also allows you to call it in two different manners: 1) calling a direct function, and 2) calling a method through an object. So lets look at how setInterval is set up.

1. setInterval ( function, interval [, arg1, arg2, ..., argn] );
2. setInterval ( object, "methodName", interval [, arg1, arg2, ..., argn] );

The first usage takes a function and an interval with optional arguments to be passed to that function when its called. The first time the function is run is interval milliseconds after this setInterval is run, then sequential calls follow after another interval milliseconds have gone by. A simple example using trace() can be seen in the following:

DisplayTrace = function(message){
ID = setInterval(DisplayTrace, 2000, "Interval called");

First, the function to be run is defined. Then setInterval is called to run it within the given interval, in this case, 2000 milliseconds or 2 seconds. Because this is dealing with the first usage of setInterval, anything after the second parameter (the interval) are used as arguments to be passed into the function. Here, "Interval called" is used as an argument for DisplayTrace, so when DisplayTrace is called, the message argument becomes that, which is in effect the trace received in the output window. Passing arguments into the called function is optional.

While that usage 1 is great for running basic straightforward functions, however, in calling those functions, they are run in a null scope. This doesn't suffice for calling functions which you might want to have run through specific objects - including methods of those objects, which in most cases would need to be run through that object and wouldn't function through a null scope. That's where the second usage of setInterval comes into play. It lets you specify the scope of the function and where its supposed to be run.

myObj = new Object();
myObj.DisplayTrace = function(message){
ID = setInterval(myObj, "DisplayTrace", 2000, "Interval called");

One thing to note is how the object itself is passed for the scope at which the function is to be run, but the function name is passed as a string. What setInterval does here is calls the function through the object as through associative array referencing, i.e. myobj["DisplayTrace"]("Interval called"); The means that the function must be referenceable from within that object to begin with. In other words, the DisplayTrace function couldn't have been used if it was defined as a normal function and not as a part of myObj itself. Otherwise, though, this method is fairly identical to the first usage. The function is called within the intervals specified and all parameters after the interval ("Interval called") are passed down to it.

In either case, setInterval returns an interval identifier which can be used in conjunction with the clearInterval() function to stop the interval from continuing. ClearInterval acts similar to javascript's clearTimeout; its just setInterval's version. When used on an interval identifier, such as ID in the examples above, it will prevent further occurrence of the function call as a result of the setInterval command:


An important thing to note is that with every call of setInterval, you are not at that point also calling the function referenced. That function isnt actually called until the time specified has been counted fully through. This means if you try to reference any variables that might have been set by that function directly after calling setInterval, you will get an incorrect value as that function has not yet had a chance to run. If you do want to have the function run right away, its just a matter of calling it directly after calling setInterval.

ID = setInterval(DisplayTrace, 2000, "Interval called");
DisplayTrace("Interval called");

So basically what setInterval allows you to do is make a unique onEnterFrame type of event that occurs in the time period you want, at the beat you want, and not that based on the frame rate of your movie. However, there is one very important thing to understand about setInterval. And that is that setInterval runs independent of frame time. This means that your interval will occur at its set interval no matter what the speed of the play head in Flash because setInterval is run off of actual time periods and will not decrease in speed if Flash starts to bog down in its own frame calculation. With that in mind, be aware that setInterval is not sufficient for synching with the passing of time along the Flash timeline. In other words, if you have a movie with a FPS of 12 frames per second and in that you have a large movieclip moving from left to right and repeating after 24 frames, if you created an interval to occur every 2 seconds (approximately 24 frames) then the call of that interval may be offset from the actual looping of that movieclip which itself is repeating every 2 seconds (24 frames at 12 frames per second), because the clip may not actually loop in exactly 2 seconds but possibly slower because of Flash not being able to draw the screen fast enough to keep up. SetInterval on the other hand will match the interval set exactly despite how fast flash is able to keep up with drawing the frames on the screen. Then again, if Flash cant keep up with the actual setInterval calls, it wont do that either.

Along the same lines its good to know that setInterval is also not as reliable as you might think. Actual timing and the timing you set won't match up as well as you might like. For example, the actual timing of the interval can be influenced by the set frame rate of the movie. Here are some examples of approximate actual timing for an interval set at 100 milliseconds at different frame rates (thanks to Roger for the information):

1 fps: interval = 127 ms
2 fps: interval = 125 ms
5 fps: interval = 105 ms
10 fps: interval = 102 ms
11 fps: interval = 183 ms
12 fps: interval = 175 ms
15 fps: interval = 134 ms

You can see here that 100 milliseconds can be far off from 100 milliseconds to setInterval. Be cautious of this and don't be setting your watches to any Flash setIntervals.



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