the PongOut Game - Game Class
        by Ilyas Usal aka pom : 3 January 2005

In the previous page you were introduced to what we are trying to do. In this page, I'll introduce more of the code that will set the foundation for our game!

The Game Class
The Game class is just a container for all the important information we need in our game. Its methods will handle the setup of the Game, as well as the basic rules. Here is the first draft of our code:

trace ("Welcome to Pong!") ;
Game = function () {
trace ("New Game created") ;
this.timeline = _root ;
this.left = 100 ;
this.right = 400 ;
this.up = 50 ;
this.down = 350 ;
this.barLevel = 330 ;
this.lives = 3 ;
} ;
Game.prototype.init = function () {
trace ("Init method called") ;
this.drawArena () ;
this.initBar () ;
} ;
Game.prototype.drawArena = function () {
trace ("DrawArea method called") ;
var Arena = this.timeline.createEmptyMovieClip ("Arena", 0) ;
Arena.lineStyle (0, 0, 100) ;
Arena.moveTo (this.left, this.up) ;
Arena.lineTo (this.right, this.up) ;
Arena.lineTo (this.right, this.down) ;
Arena.lineTo (this.left, this.down) ;
Arena.lineTo (this.left, this.up) ;
} ;
Game.prototype.initBar = function () {
trace ("InitBar method called") ;
bar.StartDrag (true, this.left + bar._width/2, this.barLevel, this.right - bar._width/2, this.barLevel);
ball.followBar () ;
} ;
MovieClip.prototype.followBar = function () {
this.onEnterFrame = function () {
this._x = bar._x ;
this._y = bar._y - this._height / 2 ;
} ;
Pong = new Game () ;
Pong.init () ;

I agree it's a bit long, but there is absolutely nothing complicated in this piece of code. Let's take a look at that code and make sure everything is clear:

Game = function () {
trace ("New Game created") ;
this.timeline = _root ;
this.left = 100 ;
this.right = 400 ;
this.up = 50 ;
this.down = 350 ;
this.barLevel = 330 ;
this.lives = 3 ;
} ;

We declare our Game class. In fact, we're just setting a few global variables relative to the current timeline we're using, the boundaries of our game arena, the position of the bar in that arena and the number of lives of the player. Simple

Game.prototype.init = function () {
trace ("Init method called");
this.drawArena () ;
this.initBar ();

Here, we declare the first method of our Game class: init. What do we want to do when we initialize the Game? We want to draw the walls of our game and initialize the bar (for now). So we call 2 other method of the Game class, drawArena and initBar. Note that in this prototype, this refers to the current Game instance.

Game.prototype.drawArena = function () {
trace ("DrawArea method called") ;
var Arena = this.timeline.createEmptyMovieClip ("Arena", 0) ;
Arena.lineStyle (0, 0, 100) ;
Arena.moveTo (this.left, this.up) ;
Arena.lineTo (this.right, this.up) ;
Arena.lineTo (this.right, this.down) ;
Arena.lineTo (this.left, this.down) ;
Arena.lineTo (this.left, this.up) ;
} ;

The drawArena method is just a matter of line drawing. Note that we refer to the timeline property of the current Game instance to create the clip in which we're going to draw.

Game.prototype.initBar = function () {
trace ("InitBar method called") ;
bar.StartDrag (true, this.left + bar._width/2, this.barLevel, this.right - bar._width/2, this.barLevel);
ball.followBar () ;
} ;

The initBar method calls the StartDrag method on the bar with a complicated set of parameters. Let's see how that works:

The bar cannot be moved vertically, it has to remain at the same _y value. We've called that value barLevel in our Game class, so the up and down parameters for the drag have to be Game.barLevel. The left parameter, according to the picture, has to be the position of the left wall plus half the width of the bar, hence the:

this.left + bar._width/2

followBar is a simple MovieClip method that make a clip follow the clip called bar.

Pong = new Game () ;

We create a new instance of the Game class that we name Pong, and then we call its init method. You can see the actual code at this point in file

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You have just finished Part 1 of this tutorial. On the next page, I'll explain how to move the ball around!

page 2 of 7


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