Modifying a DataBound Collection - Page 2
       by kirupa  |  9 December 2007

In the previous page, you got a brief introduction to what this article will be about and also got to learn more about the sample project you will be modifying. So far, you have looked at the Blend side of this project. Now, it is time to look at the code in Visual C# 2008 Express (or any regular Visual Studio 2008 edition).

  From now on, for brevity, I will refer to Visual C# 2008 Express as Visual Studio also.

Open the same BindingToPeople project in Visual Studio. You can use Visual Studio to open the BindingToPeople solution directly, or you can use Blend's Project panel to right-click on your project and select the Edit in Visual Studio command.

Regardless of which approach you used, the end result will be the same. Visual Studio will be open with your BindingToPeople solution open for editing. Take a look at your Solution Explorer to see the list of files currently in your project:

[ your solution explorer shows the files you currently have open for editing ]

There is nothing unusual to see here. The file we are most interested in is Window1.xaml.cs. This is the code-behind file for the Window1.xaml you have open in Blend right now.

You will see the following code displayed:

namespace BindingToPeople
public partial class Window1
public Window1()
private void AddButton_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
NameInput.Text = String.Empty;
class Person
public string PersonName
class PeopleList : ObservableCollection<Person>
public PeopleList()
this.Add(new Person { PersonName = "Link" });
this.Add(new Person { PersonName = "Gordon Freeman" });
this.Add(new Person { PersonName = "Mario" });
this.Add(new Person { PersonName = "Master Chief" });

Our code can be divided into three main sections:

Window1 Class Definition and Methods
Here, our application is initialized, and you have an event handler called AddButton_Click that processes any results from pressing the Add button in your application.

Person Class
To help keep track of our data, I create a Person class that does nothing but store a name in a public property called PersonName. It may seem wasteful to have an entire class dedicated to storing just a single string-based value, but if I decided to (in the future) add more data beyond just the name, I can do so easily without breaking my program.

PeopleList aka The Source of our Data Binding
Our list-based structure that stores all of our above Person objects is a class called PeopleList. This class extends ObservableCollection, and that basically means that changes made to the contents of a PeopleList object send out change notifications letting the target of our data binding know when to update.

Notice that in our PeopleList constructor I am passing in some sample data during initialization:

this.Add(new Person { PersonName = "Link" });
this.Add(new Person { PersonName = "Gordon Freeman" });
this.Add(new Person { PersonName = "Mario" });
this.Add(new Person { PersonName = "Master Chief" });

It is this data that gets displayed in Blend when you build your project for the first time and your data source kicks in:

[ our sample data is what gets displayed in the listbox ]

If you are unfamiliar with what has been presented so far, you should look into reading or re-reading my earlier Data Binding to CLR Objects article where I provide both an overview as well as deep dive into data binding with CLR data sources.

As you can see, our sample application is not very complicated. It has a simple UI that uses only a textbox, button, and listbox. Our code is equally simple. We have an event handler for processing our button's clicks, and we have our data source that takes for its argument an object of type Person - which we also defined!

In the next page, let's revisit our original problem and look at how to approach solving it.

Onwards to the next page!

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