Preloading and Displaying an Image - Page 1
       by kirupa  |  19 October 2008

Sooner or later, you will find yourself wanting to display an image inside your Silverlight application. The easy case is where you add an image to your application directly and have it be loaded as part of the initial download. The default Silverlight preloader will kick in, and at the end of the preload, your image will be ready.

There will be many cases, though, where you don't want your images to be included as part of the XAP. If you want to load your images on-demand as the user requests them, you will have to write some code and handle the preloading of the images yourself.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to do just that - programmatically loading an image and displaying the download progress while the image is being downloaded. The following is an example of what you will create:

Get Microsoft Silverlight

Keep clicking the Reload Image button to see the preloader kick-in and the image display once the preloader indicates that the download has finished.

Getting Started
There are two parts really to this tutorial. The first part is in creating the UI such as what you see above. The second part is writing the code that actually loads your image.

Getting Started with Silverlight 2

This article discusses how to create applications using Silverlight 2. If you do not know how to get started, the Getting Started Page should help you get setup for Silverlight design and development.

Launch Expression Blend 2 SP1, and create a new Silverlight 2 application:

[ create a new Silverlight 2 Application in Blend ]

A few seconds later, you will see your artboard, and it will be completely blank. Right now, your application's dimensions are pretty large. Change that by setting your application's size to 400 and 300.

Once you have done this, it is time to populate your application with some UI. I am not going to go into great detail on how to create the UI, for it isn't what this tutorial is about. Instead, the following diagram should give you the approximate placement and type of each control you will be adding:

I have a few rectangles added for aesthetic appeal, but it isn't essential. Once you have added the controls, it is time to give them a name. Your Image control's name will be imageControl, your Button will be called reloadImageButton, and your ProgressBar will be called progressBar. I know the names aren't very creative, but they work for now.

Your object tree should similar to what you see below (sans the Rectangle):

[ what your object tree should look similar to ]

For reference, I have included the source files for this project up until this point where just the UI has been created. Download them from the following link:

Download Source Files

Don't worry, the above source files don't contain anything beyond just the UI that you see above. The interesting stuff you will have to add yourself...starting at the next page!

Onwards to the next page!

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