There are a number of things you can do to boost your site’s
rating with search engines. Large companies can afford to
pay for sponsored links and advertising with sites like
Google or Yahoo, but most of us don’t have the necessary
funds to splash out on that kind of luxury. Instead, we have
to use other, more subtle techniques, to naturally inch our
way up the ranks.
How a Search Engine Works
The best place to begin before optimizing your site is to
try and understand a little of how a search engine spider
works. At a very basic level, it will trawl through your
page, and give it ‘points’ for certain things. Some it
places more importance on than others, but put simply, the
more of these things that you have, the more points you get
and the higher your rating will be.
Before going into more detail on these areas, something
you’ll need to take into consideration is frames. Web
developers are generally split into two camps on this issue,
and it’s reasonably safe to say that most people either love
them or hate them. Frames undoubtedly do have their
advantages, but if you’re trying to build a site that’s
optimized for spiders, then they can only cause trouble.
If you make a site without frames, you allow the search
engines to reference your page quickly and easily. But if
you do decide to build inside a frameset, then you’ll have
to make use of the <noframes> tag. However, for the sake of
this tutorial lets assume that you’ve chosen to forgo
Onto the Important Stuff: Meta Tags and More
By now, just about everyone is aware of the <meta> tags that
are available to developers, so it’s helpful to get these
right from the beginning. Tedious as it may sound, always
write individual meta code for each page of your site, as
that way it has a greater chance of coming up through a
search. By trying to condense the whole content of your site
into a few keywords for one page, you’re ruining your
You have several tags to choose from: <meta name =
”keywords”> and <meta name = “description”> being the most
important two. Always put your most important words and
phrases at the front. As a rule, you should also keep the
tags short and sweet. A spider will attach more importance
to five words than to fifty, so make those five words count.
Pick out words that you think people will be searching for
to get to your site. You don’t need to make these bold or
all caps, the formatting inside <meta> tags has no real
relevance to the spiders.
Once you’ve picked your keywords and phrases for a page,
you’ll want to ensure that they appear as often as possible
within the text. Repetition of the words re-enforces their
relevance to a search engine, so if your site is dedicated
to anime, put “anime” in the copy as often as you can
without it losing clarity.
There are plenty of ways to include your keywords multiple
times on a page. Things like drop-down menus use them, as do
breadcrumb trails. If your site design incorporates them,
all to the good.
It’s also worth noting that a search engine will rate a
keyword higher than normal if it is formatted in some way.
As an example, lets the anime page again. You’d like a title
in the main text to say ‘Anime Characters’. Putting the
phrase into an <h1> tag will give it maximum importance to a
spider. You can use Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) to define
the format of that <h1> so that it fits in with your overall
design. So whilst it may not look like the traditional <h1>
on screen, the search engine only sees the all important
heading tag, and rates it accordingly.
You can take this tactic even further, to make your keywords
stand out. Place <b> tags around your keywords as they crop
up in the text and spiders will pick them out. You don’t
necessarily want a user to see them in bold though, so
override the look with your CSS. Again, the spider doesn’t
see the end result, just the vital formatting.
Links are also something that spiders rate highly, in
several ways. Continuing the formatting theme, spiders like
to see links, and if a keyword is also a link, then that’s
even better. Some things, like menus, will probably
automatically use your keywords. But you can slip in some
hidden links inside your copy if you’re clever. Put a
keyword inside an <a> tag, and link it either to a relevant
page or itself. Now, use JavaScript to keep the cursor to a
default on rollover. Instead of a hand indicating a link,
the user will see a normal cursor. Should they happen to
click on the text, the link will work for them.
You can add titles to links too, similar to an <alt> tag.
They operate in a very similar way to the <alt>, displaying
a hover caption when the link is rolled over. Duplicate your
keywords in here to boost the number of times it appears in
your page. This isn’t ideal though, as it does tend to
interfere with the layout of the screen. If you don’t mind
the caption though, it’s another possibility for you to use.
In addition to all of this, spiders will take note of all
the outbound links on the page, and check out where they go.
If the destination page is also packed full of similar
keywords and phrases, then the link rates even higher. This
is another reason why it’s worthwhile tailoring each page
It’s not just outbound links either, search engines will
also see how many external sites link to your own.
Generally, the more the better, and again, if the link is
from a source with similar keywords and a good rating, your
own standing is increased.
Another thing to remember is that a search engine places
higher importance on the start of the page’s code than on
the end. So ideally, you want all your newly optimized text
with keywords to come right under the <body> tag. But we all
know that if you’re building a site, there’s generally a lot
of code written before you ever get to the main content. So
how can you get round this?
If you remove all your JavaScript (providing you have any of
course) to an external .js file and link to it, that will
save you a lot of space to bump up the important pieces of
You can also employ layers to shift the order of the code
round a little without screwing up your design. By dividing
the page up into layers, you can place layers with keywords
right up the top and layers with less important design
elements underneath, whilst still employing things like
tables on the main page.
Of course this isn’t always ideal. Sometimes your design
won’t allow you to work this way. But as with all of the
points given above, you need to reach a compromise between
the looks of the site and getting it rated with engines.
Hopefully though, you should now have an even better idea of
how to make your site top of Google.