Event Handlers in WPF - Page 1
       by kirupa  |  1 March 2007

Whenever you click on a button or type some text into a form in your browser, you are using events. More than likely, you never think about this, because it just works. You don't worry about how the mouse click is recognized, how your application knows which key was pressed, etc. The reason is that many of these lower level details are handled by your graphics framework itself. Even as a developer, your work with events is largely on the surface of what really goes on behind the scenes, but there is plenty of surface area to cover though! So, in this tutorial, I will explain how to use event handlers in the Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF).

Event Handlers
Don't let the introduction scare you though. Event handling is extremely common, and if you've ever made your application do something when a button was clicked, you already know most of what is to know about using event handlers.

An event handler is simply a method that receives the input from a device such as a mouse or keyboard and does something with it. For example, the following code shows an event handler called ButtonOkClicked that is fired when a button is clicked:

private void ButtonOkClicked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

There are really two things that need to be done when using events:

  1. You need to bind an event handler to a Control (button, text field, menu, etc.).
  2. You need to specify an event handler that receives and reacts to an event.

In this article, I will go over event handlers and how to use them with events. I will provide code examples to reinforce what I will be explaining, but this is more of an article explaining event handlers as opposed to a tutorial where you create a small application using event handlers.

Binding a Event to a Event Handler
Let's first look at how to bind an event to an event handler. There are two ways of doing this. You can (1) either use an IDE such as Expression Blend or Visual Studio's WPF Designer (see blog post), or (2) you can bind a control to an event using code itself. The end result is the same, so let's look at both the visual as well as code-based approaches.

Visual Approach
The visual approach is what most of you will use because there are great tools for designing GUIs using WPF. I won't go into the details of either Visual Studio or Blend in this tutorial, but if you have, for example, a button, you can view a list of the events and assign an event handler next to the event you wish to fire:

[ assigning a click event to an event handler called ButtonOkClicked ]

In the visual view, you simply find the event that you wish to bind your control to such as Click, and specify the name your event handler will take. When you press Enter you will be taken to the code view where you can see the event handler displayed with the name you provided.

Trivia - Look at the XAML!

If you look at the XAML for the above event-binding, you will see both the Click event as well as our event handler ButtonOkClicked appear:

<Button HorizontalAlignment="Left" Margin="130,92,0,86" x:Name="btnOK" Width="80" Content="OK" Click="ButtonOkClicked"/>

It is the above XAML definition that tells your final application to route all Click events attached to the button to the ButtonOkClicked event handler. A program like Blend or Visual Studio's Designer serves primarily to provide a nice interface for creating the XAML snippet I posted above.


Code Approach
While the visual approach I outlined above will be the preferred way of binding events to an event handler, you can just as easily use code to accomplish the same thing. You may be wondering why you would choose a less visual approach. One good reason is, if you are dynamically creating a control, the only way to attach events would be through code. I provide an example of that a few paragraphs down, so you can see what I mean.

Let's say we have a button called btnOK, and our goal is to attach an event to it using just code. All you have to do is pick the appropriate event you wish to use and link it to a new RoutedEventHandler with the name of your event handler:

btnOK.Click += new RoutedEventHandler(ButtonOkClicked);

If you use Visual Studio for writing the code, the inline auto-complete is very handy:

[ auto-complete is quite helpful in times like this ]

Right now you may be wondering how anybody could know to use RoutedEventHandler without the help of AutoComplete. If you are just getting started with WPF, it may be difficult to know that, but just remember that you need to bind an event to an event handler. Later in this article and in greater detail in subsequent articles, I will explain these in more detail.

Like I hinted at in the previous paragraph, one disadvantage with the code approach is that if you want to use events or event handlers beyond the common ones that you are familiar with, you will have to spend some extra time combing through the displayed methods and properties for your object to find the appropriate event:

[ browsing through methods and properties ]

In the visual approach, all events are grouped together in one pane, but in the larger scheme of things, it is just a minor detail that you should be aware of.

Getting the event bound to an even handlers is just one part of what you need to. The second part is to actually create an event handler. Before I go into greater detail, let's first look closely at the event hander I show below:

private void ButtonOkClicked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

Notice that the event hander takes in two arguments from the event that fired - the sender and the event. Basically, the sender is the control you clicked on, and the event (e) is the particular input that triggered the event handler such as a key press or a mouse click.

If you took the visual approach, the above event handler would automatically be created for you. If you used the code approach, you would need to define an event handler following a similar structure with the two arguments. Let's look in greater detail at what the two arguments actually do.

The Event Handler's Arguments
Like I mentioned earlier, the event handler takes in two arguments - a sender and an event. In many cases, you really don't have to know much about them. For example, in the code from earlier reproduced below, I am not even using either sender or e in my method's body:

private void ButtonOkClicked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

But, you will run into cases where you want to do more than just have one control bound to an event handler. When dealing with many interactive controls created using code, you'll find that knowing more about the sender and event can be helpful.

The Sender
If you want know exactly which control triggered the event, you will need to modify the sender object. The problem, though, is that your controls are of types like Button, Text Field, Checkbox, etc. The argument is of type object. Unfortunately, you cannot simply type in Button foo = sender.

What you need to do is typecast the object into the type of the control that called it. The following code shows an example of how I access the sender Button:

private void ButtonOkClicked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
Button clickedButton = (Button) sender;

Notice that I create a new Button object called clickedButton that casts my sender object as a Button also. This allows me to access my button's properties just as if I were manipulating my button directly by name.

When casting, you should make sure that you are actually allowed to cast to that object. For example, I cannot cast my sender object as Checkbox even though both it and a Button can be based on an object. Despite us not knowing what the object type for sender really refers to, internally, WPF has a good idea :P

If you do try to cast something to a type that it cannot be cast to, you will receive an InvalidCastException:

[ I receive an InvalidCastException when tricking a checkbox to behave like a button ]

If you are in a situation where you don't know what the type of the control you clicked on is, you can use the GetType property to find out:

private void ButtonOkClicked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

Now that you have a good idea of how to access the sending object, let me touch back on a topic that I left incomplete earlier. Earlier, I mentioned that the above approach is just as good as if I were "manipulating my button directly by name." The question is, why am I not directly manipulating the button?

The reason is that, when you have many controls such as an array of Buttons that map to the same event handler, you cannot easily explicitly access each button individually. For example, check out the following mini-application that draws many styled buttons and allows you to interact with them individually:

[ a small demo that shows why code-based event handling is often needed ] 

Click here to run the WPF demo and view/download the source code for the above application.

In the above application, when you click on a button, the button's name is displayed a as a message box. Because I am creating each button dynamically using code, I have to cast the sender object in my event handler so that I can know which button has been rolled over.

Note - Determining the Object without Using Sender

In this section, I explained how to use the sender object to determine what object is passed in. You are not limited to using just the sender though. You can actually use your event e itself to cast the source of the event into what you want:

Button clickedButton = e.Source as Button;

The reason I did not explain the above code in this section because it logically makes more sense to have two arguments standing for two different things - the object and the event.

The Event
The second argument passed to our event handler is the event itself. The event really depends on when you want your control to fire a signal to your event handler. A generic event is what you see in my code called RoutedEventArgs for a button's Click event:

private void ButtonOkClicked(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)

You will get more specialized event arguments depending on what you are trying to do, and those arguments provide you with greater flexibility to deal with these events. Let's say you have a textbox, and each time you type a character, you want to do something. For this scenario, you are looking at a very particular type of event argument - one that takes key presses into account.

Let's give our text box the name txtBoxMain, and let's bind a KeyDown event to an event handler called KeyCount. Visually in Expression Blend, you would simply enter your KeyCount event handler and press Enter:

[ again, you can use a visual approach to bind an event to an event handler ]

In code, you would do the following:

txtBoxMain.KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(KeyCount);

Regardless of which approach (visual or code) that you took, your event handler would look like the following:

private void KeyCount(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)


Notice that my event argument is now KeyEventArgs. The KeyEventArgs class contains a lot of useful methods that I can use to do more with my event than just recognize that it happened. For example, the following code shows me displaying the letter/name of the key pressed in a message box:

private void KeyCount(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
MessageBox.Show("Key pressed is: " + e.Key.ToString());

The following is the image you see when you run the above code and press the letter k:

[ by using Key I can determine which key was pressed ]

While this example dealt with keyboard arguments, you can bind similar events to their respective event handlers for the mouse, the stylus, etc. Depending on which event handler variation you use, the number of properties you can access will vary. The differences in code among the various actions are too minor to cover in detail in this article. It would also be a bit too boring!

To give you a flavor of the extent of the variation, your argument e's type may be MouseEventArgs for a mouse related event, and you may not have a Key structure  from which to determine key presses, but you will have access to the Left and Right mouse buttons. You can find similar yet distinct variations among the other input methods.

As you can see, event handling can be as easy or as complicated depending on what you are trying to accomplish. Actually, complicated may not be the right word, because one you become familiar with the syntax and when to use some of these tricks, many things become easier.

The goal of this article and other articles on this site (and I'm sure others) is to give you a brief overview of the common uses of a particular use of technology and cover in greater detail the subtle, not-so-common uses that cause endless frustration and sleepless nights. At least that is how I justify having the trivial Note boxes and providing similar sets of code for the same task haha.

Just a final word before we wrap up. If you have a question and/or want to be part of a friendly, collaborative community of over 220k other developers like yourself, post on the forums for a quick response!

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