Clicking the above link will launch a new window that
connects you to our IRC server via your browser itself.
Pretty simple, ehh?
Quick Tips |
Changing Names
In order to change your name,
in the chat window, simply type /nick
When in the chat room, you can also play
an engaging game of trivia. Type !trivia
to start the trivia game.
To hold private
conversations with another person, simply
double-click their username on the right pane
and it will open up a box where only you and the
other person can chat. |
Using an
IRC Client
by Manny Dimatulac aka Quinn aka
Users can also use this to be able to help one another through direct contact. Now you don't have to wait for a response from someone who was helping you. You can simply invite them to the channel and chat there when the party is available.
- Download mIRC:
http://www.mirc.com/get.html Once you have installed the
program, simply click on the following link:
If you are not in the chat room by then, you may need to try the following
- Choose a nickname (if you want to
register a name, so that no one else can take it,
let me know and I'll guide you through it.
recommended, so others can't come in as you)
- Select/Enter the EntertheGame server that is closest to your location.
- After you connect, it should
pop-up a list of channels. Since I chose for this
channel to be private you won't see it, so type this
manually in the box: "#kirupaForum" (w/o quotes, of
- Chat away.
Rules of use:
Since this isn't exactly the forums, the same rules don't necessarily apply. Here, feel free to be more open than you probably would on the forums, but not too
open, if you know what I mean.
That said, please don't start any flame wars or fights; we don't want users to have enemies here or on the forums, mmkay?
Be polite. If someone asks for help, don't be obnoxious and tell him or her off. Simply direct them to someone who may be able to help.
If you show any signs of bad attitude or hostility while chatting, you will be banned from the channel, and your reputation with the mods on the forum will definitely decrease, depending on severity, so watch yourself.
Operators, or the moderators of the channel are indicated with the '@' sign before their name. These are the people to turn to for reporting anything. As on the forums, none of us may be available at any given time. If there is a problem, simply copy the conversation (highlighting the text automatically copies it), leave the channel, and Private Message any of the mods (most of whom may or may not be operators on the channel) and we will handle it accordingly.
If there are any questions about anything said here, or you would like to become an OP for the channel, PM me.