Isometric Views Using Grids
         by senocular

Drawing isometric views is based around one important tool. Your 30/60/90 triangle. What this is, is a straight-edge tool that helps draw lines on your drawing paper. Its called a triangle because its in the shape of a triangle. A 30/60/90 triangle is a triangle that has angles of 30 degrees, 60 degrees and 90 degrees. This lets you draw lines straight up (90 degrees), lines at 60 degrees, and lines at 30 degrees. The 30 degree lines are the important ones. Below is an illustration of how the previous cube would be drawn on the drawing table with a 30/60/90 triangle.

You can see that the lines that make up the cube are all either up and down or 30 degree lines (going in either directions), easily made with the triangle. This is the basis for virtually all isometric drawings. When you hear "isometric view" you should immediately think "30 degrees!" This isn't always the case, and we'll see that a little later on, but in terms of understanding what isometry is, the 30 degree angle concept is the one to associate it most with.

For drawing in Flash, however, you don't have triangles such as the 30/60/90 triangle. What you do have is the transform panel. This panel allows you to not only scale clips and shapes within Flash, but also rotate them. So in drawing isometric images (in this manner) in Flash, start off with a single vertical (or horizontal) line and duplicate/rotate it fitting it in to place where ever it needs to be to create your isometric view. Because the measurements in the isometric view are consistent, duplicating the same vertical line and reusing it for your 30 degree angled lines is perfectly acceptable. In fact, its preferred since it assures that your lines are of correct length and therefore will fit together as they should in the end.

Before getting more into isometrics in Flash, we need to first get a brief foundation in grids and grid systems. Chances are you know what a grid is already. A grid is a cross-referential table of positions, sometimes in themselves containing values or just posing as a possible a position within that grid. Easy enough, right?

Graph paper is a grid. Flash with View > Grid > Show Grid selected...is a grid. All x, y positions are based on a grid. The grid you see in Flash is a grid based on x and y locations within the Flash work area with the upper left being 0,0 and the lower right being document width and document height passed in pixels. Each position in a grid is determined by the x value, or the distance left and right, followed by the y value or the distance up and down.

In terms of Flash, as y increases, the position on the screen becomes lower in lower. In math, on the cartesian plane, the opposite is true. On the cartesian plane, the typical representation of the x and y coordinate space (grid) as y increases, y gets higher. Here's where you have to make a choice Neo. Either you chose to follow suit with Flash's flipped y or, in your constructed mechanisms of movement (scripted), you opt for the more traditional y is up understanding.


I personally prefer the cartesian method, where an increasing y means movement up, and that will be how I utilize it in the bulk of the isometry covered here, though in one technique I show you, it just may be easier to use Flash's perception of y movement. That, again, will be covered a little later on.

For dynamically populating a grid in Flash, loops come in good use. Having two loops, one embedded in the other, allow you to loop through and access each position in the grid by looping through its width and height. In looping through both, you cover the entire area of the grid. For example, if you wanted to make a 10 x 10 grid, you would have something like this:

Just copy and paste the above code into Flash and test. This loops through a 10 x 10 grid (of spaces 20 tall by 20 wide) and creates a text field in each position. That text field text is set to the x and y value so you can see how the loops executed as they run through the grid. For any kind of cycling through grid spaces, this is the way to go about it. I don't want to spend too much time on grids since this is about isometric perspectives. However, those isometric perspectives are based around grids, so a base understanding of what a grid is and how a position is defined is needed.

Now lets get back to the drawing of isometric views in the next tutorial.




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