Using JavaScript to Open New Window  

    by kirupa chinnathambi

I know what you are thinking. I set the target to _blank when adding a URL right? True, but today we are going to go beyond making simple windows open in Flash. Not only are we going to open new windows, we will control the attributes of each window such as the scrollbars, address box, and more. Best of all, you will add some code in Flash and some code in HTML!

Click on my name in the following animation:

You will learn how to create something similar to the above animation in Flash. The following instructions will guide you:

  1. Create a button in Flash. Right click on the button and select Actions. The Object Actions window will appear. Select Basic Actions then Get URL to display the URL commands in Flash.

  1. In the URL field, you will specify path to the Web page you want to open. For the example animation above, I used the full address instead: Therefore, the code in the URL field will be:


  1. Save and Publish the animation. Make sure that when you publish the animation, the SWF and HTML files are generated. It is time for us to edit the HTML file!

Open the HTML file that Flash created in an HTML editor such as Notepad or FrontPage and DreamWeaver in HTML view. The following image displays how my HTML file created by Flash looks like in Notepad:

Once the file has been opened in your HTML editor, place your mouse anywhere between the <Body> and </Body> tags and copy and paste the following code:

Once the code has been pasted, save the file and preview it in your browser. The button you created in Flash should be visible. Click the button and a new window should appear with the address you specified. If you followed my example verbatim, you will see the 'About Kirupa' page displayed in a new browser window. You are technically done with the tutorial, but feel free to stick around if you are interested in learning how to customize the window that gets opened.

Adjusting Window Width and Height:
The primary attribute of the new window you will want to modify is the width and the height. Notice in the code where it says width=550, height=250. By looking at the code, you can assume that the width of the new window will be 550 pixels, and the height of the new window will be 250 pixels wide.

To set your own width and height for the browser window, change the values after width to adjust the width and the values after height to adjust the height. That is all there is to adjusting the width and height of a new window. The next section will explain how to customize a few more attributes of a window.

Customizing the Window:
Let's talk about customizing the window that gets opened beyond the width and height. Go back to your HTML editor and open the HTML file you just modified. Briefly look at the JavaScript code you copied. You should notice many familiar terms such as location, menubar, scrollbars, and more. The terms mentioned in the code are the attributes of your browser other words, the things that make your browser window look the way it looks.

After each window attribute, you will see a 'yes' or a 'no'. No means that attribute has been disabled and won't be expressed in the browser. For example, in the code you copied, scrollbars are disabled. To enable/disable any attribute, change the 'no' to a 'yes' or vice-versa.

Download Files
As always, if you want to see how my version of the file used in this tutorial looks like, download the source files by clicking here. You will find the FLA, SWF, and HTML files conveniently zipped for you! You will need to download WinZip if you don't have an unzipping utility.

Just a final word before we wrap up. If you have a question and/or want to be part of a friendly, collaborative community of over 220k other developers like yourself, post on the forums for a quick response!

Kirupa's signature!


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