RPG Programming:
Map Editor
by SeiferTim : 24 November 2004

Being able to visually edit maps is a huge benefit to game developers. So, we're going to create a simple Map Editing Program to do this for us. First, make sure you've saved your Movie, and then create a whole new one. Make it at least a little wider than the game movie, and just as tall. For my file, I made it 676 X 576. Save it, and switch back to the game code, and copy/paste the this from your original file into the first frame of your new movie:

mvWdth = 576;
mvHght = 576;
tileWdth = 64;
tileHght =64;
tile0 = function () {};
tile0.prototype.pos = 1;
tile0.prototype.barrier = false;
tile1 = function () {};
tile1.prototype.pos = 2;
tile1.prototype.barrier = true;
tile2 = function () {};
tile2.prototype.pos = 3;
tile2.prototype.barrier = true;
map1 = [[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0],
function MapMaker (map) {
_root.attachMovie("blank", "tiler", d++);
var mapWdth = map[0].length;
var mapHght = map.length;
for (var i = 0; i < mapHght; i++) {
for (var j = 0; j < mapWdth; j++) {
var name = "tile_"+j+"_"+i;
_root[name] = new _root["tile"+map[i][j]];
_root.tiler.attachMovie("TileSet1", name, i*100+j*2);
_root.tiler[name]._x = (j*_root.tileWdth);
_root.tiler[name]._y = (i*_root.tileHght);
You should note that I changed my map1 to all 0s, which would make it all grass for now. This just makes a simple "empty pallet" for us to work with.

Next, go ahead and copy both your TileSet MC, and your blank MC to the library of the new movie. All your tiles should come with them. If you test the Movie, it should make the map like in the other Movie. So far so good.

Now, we need to add a variable to the _root, so put this line of code at the very top of the ActionScript panel for frame 1:

selectedTile = 0;

Next, make a button for each tile you have, and drag an instance of the tile image into all 4 frames of the button. Next, open up the TileSet MC, and make a new layer on top of all the others. Create a new button, which has nothing in it, except for a box on the "Hit" frame, which is the exact same size as your tile. Place this button in the layer above your tiles, and align it to cover your tiles.

[ button placement ]

Select the button, and add this ActionScript:

on (release) {
this.gotoAndStop(_root.selectedTile + 1);

Go back to the Main Timeline, and drag an instance of the "TileSet" MC to the stage, somewhere to the right, away from your other buttons. Name it "selector", and put a TextBox near it that says: "current tile". Now, select the button which shows your first tile, and enter this code:

on (release) {
_root.selectedTile = 0;

Copy and paste the same code into your other buttons, incrementing each number by one, so that the second button would look like this:

on (release) {
_root.selectedTile = 1;

And so on. If you test it out at this point, you should be able to click on a tile button, and then change the map accordingly. All we did was make a button in the TileSet which, when clicked, changes the Tile displayed to whatever "_root.selectedTile" is set to. Simple enough, right? Now, we need to find a way to save, or export these maps into a matrix. Unfortunately, according to Macromedia, Flash is not allowed to write to an external Text file directly... In order to do this, you have to use ASP, JavaScript, or some other Server-Side Scripting... I don't feel like even trying to do this for such a quick and simple tool... if you feel you absolutely have to have such features, you're on your own. However, we can do something simpler: Have Flash create a the matrix for us, and display it on the screen for us to copy/paste, and do whatever we want. This is good enough for my purposes, so here we go:

First, make a new MovieClip, and name it: "mapBox". In this MC create a TextBox, set it to Dynamic, and name it: "mapTxt". I would make some kind of background for this textbox, so that you can read it above the map. Also, make a small "close" button, and place it in this MC. Right-click the mapBox in the library, choose linkage, and set it to "Export for ActionScript". Use the same name. The code for the close button should look like this:

on (release) {
_root.Clicked = false;

Now, you'll want to make a button on the main timeline, which will have this code:

on (release) {
if (!_root.Clicked) {
_root.Clicked = true;
_root.attachMovie("blank", "map", this.getNextHighestDepth())
_root.map.attachMovie("mapBox", "mapBox", this.getNextHighestDepth());
_root.map.mapBox._x = 300;
_root.map.mapBox._y = 200;
_root.mapString = "[";
var mapWdth = _root.map1[0].length;
var mapHght = _root.map1.length;
for (var r = 0; r < mapHght; r++) {
for (var n = 0; n < mapWdth; n++) {
var name = "tile_"+n+"_"+r;
_root.mapString+= String(_root.tiler[name]._currentframe - 1);
if (n < mapWdth - 1) {
_root.mapString+= ",";
} else {
if (r < mapHght - 1) {
_root.mapString+= "]";
_root.map.mapBox.mapTxt.text = _root.mapString;

All this does it look at the map on the screen, and create a string, which will look like the matrix that we want to create, then it creates an instance of the mapBox on the screen, and fills the mapText with the string.

And that's it! Try it out, and see how it works! Hopefully this editor is easy for you to modify to your own needs. You should have no problem creating one of your own for your own game later on. Next, we'll discuss how to put maps together, so that our Guy can move from place to place.


Download FLA

Wait - this tutorial isn't over! There is more that needs to be written, and the rest of this tutorial will appear right here shortly. Until then, I hope this helped.

If you have any questions, feel free to post them @ kirupaForum.

Tim Hely


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