Fractal Branch
by ilyas usal

The first thing we need for a recursive function is a function. A function that will draw a branch. I shall call that function makeBranch. I want that function to draw a branch at a given position, in a given direction, I want it to be of a given length, and of a certain diameter. All those requirements will be input as be parameters of the makeBranch function.

[ the makeBranch function: copy and paste into a frame's actions ]

The parameters we were talking about previously:

  • start_x, start_y
    Starting position of the branch
  • length
    Length of the branch
  • angle
    Direction of the branch, in radians
  • size
    Size of the branch

If you've forgotten how the drawing API works, please refer to the corresponding tutorial. For all the others, let's see how this works:

  • this.lineStyle ( size, 0x333333, 100 )
    First we define our lineStyle. The only thing that is a variable is the pen size, which we set to be equal to the size of the branch.
  • this.moveTo ( start_x, start_y )
    We move the virtual pen to the starting position of the branch.
  • var end_x = start_x + length * Math.cos ( angle )
    We calculate the position of the end of the branch. This is simple trigonometry, so you can either (1) believe me, or (2) read Senocular's very good trigonometry tutorial.
  • this.lineTo ( end_x, end_y )
    Last but not least, we draw a line from the starting point to the ending point of the branch.

If you preview your movie, you'll see a few branches, all of them starting from the _y position 200. The only thing we changed, apart from the _x position, is the direction. If you compare the angles and what Flash draws, you'll see that:

  • Direction 0 means that the branch goes right.
  • Direction Math.PI/2 means that the branch goes down.
  • Direction Math.PI means that the branch goes left.
  • Direction -Math.PI/2 means that the branch goes up.

If you wonder how this works, the trigonometry tutorial I mentioned before is your best friend. There are more tutorials similar to this, so be sure to check out the ones that follow this.

Ilyas Usal
{Pictures 1 | 2}


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