and PHP Made Easy
by laurent hogue
During my past years, I developed several
applications for PC and Mainframe Computers on different
languages - from ASM to java. But recently, I discovered the
wonderful world of the ActionScript.
Seeking for some good tutorials on the net, I always found
poorly-written tutorials, or in other cases, examples far
too complex for beginners. So today, I will show you, with a
generic example, how to communicate data back and forth from
AS and PHP.
Before starting programming like a devil, let's try to
understand how ActionScript and PHP can communicate. Suppose
that you want to send a written letter to your best friend.
You need his postal address, an envelope, and something to
send such as the content or pages in your
First, you write the different pages of your letter. Next,
you put those pages in the envelope, and finally you post
it. Do you understand?
Good. You now know the concept. It was easy?
I know. Programming in AS and PHP works in a similar
fashion. Let's try to program it.
PART 2 -
In AS, there is a kind of variable called "LoadVars". It is
the equivalent of the envelope in our letter example above.
Before putting your valuable content in it,
you have to first create it.
= new LoadVars();
Next, you have to put what we called before
your "pages". In fact, these
are the variables of your code that you want to pass to PHP.
How do you
do it? Let me show you:
$var1 =
"hello, I'm Bobby.";
$var2 = 100;
$var3 = "John Deer";
$envelope.variable1 = $var1;
$envelope.hellothere = $var2;
$envelope.byebye = $var3;
The name that you declare after
$envelope (in our example,
hellothere, and
byebye) is the name of the
variable that you will fetch in PHP.
Now that you put your content in your envelope let's post it
! How do we do that? By calling a special function specific
to the LoadVars variable.
Here we go ! You are currently sending your
envelope to "script.php". It was easy, don't you think?
Now, we have to catch the informations sent by the AS. I'm
assuming that your PHP version is 4.x. If not, change your
PHP version or Hosting company, they are not serious.
To retrieve the info...
$phpvar1 =
$phpvar2 = $HTTP_POST_VARS["hellothere"];
$phpvar3 = $HTTP_POST_VARS["byebye"];
You see, you are fetching the variables sent
from AS by putting the content of the php array
$HTTP_POST_VARS at the index called by the name of your
variable. Now, these sentences in PHP are true :
== "hello, I'm Bobby."; //true
$phpvar2 == "100"; //true
$phpvar3 == "John Deer"; //true
Voila ! It wasn't difficult at all, don't you
PART 4 (optional) -
Suppose now that you want to send and receive
information/data. How do you do that? The following example
shows how:
$var1 = "hello, I'm Bobby.";
$var2 = 100;
$var3 = "John Deer";
$envelope = new LoadVars();
$envelope_received = new LoadVars();
$envelope.variable1 = $var1;
$envelope.hellothere = $var2;
$envelope.byebye = $var3;
What we have done is that we have put content in our first
envelope but told AS to put the content read from PHP in the
variable $envelope_received.
This variable MUST be of
How do you send information from php? Behold:
$phpvar1 =
$phpvar2 = $HTTP_POST_VARS["hellothere"];
$phpvar3 = $HTTP_POST_VARS["byebye"];
$mycredits = "Laurent Hogue";
echo "status=complete&final=yes";
echo "&credits=".$mycredits;
The "echo" function in PHP is used to send what is written
after it to an output channel. This is what AS will receive.
It works like a typewriter: the first echo is sent to the
output channel, the next echo will be written in the output
channel after the first one. If you put a string followed by
a dot and a variable name, you concatenate the string into:
"&credits=".$mycredits == "&credits=Laurent Hogue"; //true
Dont forget - in PHP, you must separate each variable with
an &
- as
described in the echo example above.
The Final Step - Reading the PHP Data in AS
It's simple, in fact. The values are stored the same way
they are in the envelope. So to follow our example, you can
fetch the information coming from PHP like this:
$the_status = $envelope_received.status;
$final_result = $;
$tut_credits = $envelope_received.credits;
Therefore, the values afterward equal:
$the_status ==
"complete"; //true
$final_result == "yes"; //true
$tut_credits == "Laurent