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Introduction to XML in Flash
       by senocular

Example: News Editor
This example takes XML data editing to the next level. It does not simply display and let you change one text node. This example will let you add, edit and delete up to five entries each of which consist of two editable text fields (nodes). Together they create a small and simple news feed application. Take a gander:

[ show, add, edit, and/or delete news items ]

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Initially you see the news display where all news is loaded and formatted for viewing. Using the refresh button, you can reload the content reflecting any changes that might have occurred since it was initially loaded when the movie began. The edit button brings you to the edit screen.

The edit screen, which lies on a different frame, allows you to edit the XML. It provides arrows for navigating the entries currently loaded within the player from the initial news view and provides text fields for changing their values. The first entry is labeled as [ New ] and is not an entry at all but a way to create new entries. This was to keep the file as simple as possible while still maintaining a good deal of functionality. Likewise, there is no delete button but you can delete entries by clearing their text fields and saving.

Whenever you save from the edit screen, the XML will be edited, sent to the server and the result will be reloaded and displayed back in the original news view.


Since basically all nodes within the XML are dynamically created, the base XML file simply consists of one node:

<news />

(If you're too lazy to create your own, you can get this here.)

Every entry within the news element is created from within the Flash movie. The structure of a complete entry is as follows:

<entry date="Thu Aug 26 10:35:20 GMT-0400 2004">
<title>title text</title>
<body>body text</body>

Where up to five may exist within the news element at any given time (this is a limit created within the code that can be altered if desired). The text within the title and body elements are both editable whereas the date attribute value is defined automatically.

Since this example is far more complex than some of the others, I'm only going to cover the important parts and let you work your through the source file to figure out all of the other details. Those important parts are creating new entries and editing existing ones. The methods involved in doing that are AddNewsEntry and EditNewsEntry.

AddNewsEntry generates a a new, full entry node assigning title and body to respective values passed into the function call.

AddNewsEntry = function(news_xml, title, body){
var entryNode = news_xml.createElement("entry");
entryNode.attributes.date = new Date().toString();
var titleNode = news_xml.createElement("title");
var titleText = news_xml.createTextNode(title);
if (body == "") body = "(none)";
var bodyNode = news_xml.createElement("body");
var bodyText = news_xml.createTextNode(body);
if (news_xml.firstChild.hasChildNodes()){
news_xml.firstChild.insertBefore(entryNode, news_xml.firstChild.firstChild);
}else news_xml.firstChild.appendChild(entryNode);
while (GetNewsCount(news_xml) > max_news_items){

You can see that AddNewsEntry starts off creating an entry element ("free floating") using createElement. Added to its attributes object is a variable called date which is assigned to be the current data (as determined by Flash using the Date object).

var entryNode = news_xml.createElement("entry");
entryNode.attributes.date = new Date().toString();

Next the title element is created.

if (title == "") title = "(none)";
var titleNode = news_xml.createElement("title");
var titleText = news_xml.createTextNode(title);

The title element also contains a text node child element that contains the text for the title of the entry. This text is passed in to AddNewsEntry as the variable title and is used in creating a text node called titleText (assuming its not empty, in which case "(none)" is used to describe its contents). After both nodes are created (the title element and the text node to contain the title text), which are both homeless at the time of creation, they are placed in their respective final locations with appendChild; the text node within the title element and the title element within the entry node created earlier.

The body element is created next in the same manner as title.

if (body == "") body = "(none)";
var bodyNode = news_xml.createElement("body");
var bodyText = news_xml.createTextNode(body);

This gives the entry node two children, title and body, both of whom have a single text node to contain the title and body text. The entry node itself, however, is still without a home. Giving it one is just a matter of putting it in the main news node of the XML.

Before doing that, however, think about how XML is typically read and how these news entries are to be ordered. Typically, XML is read from top to bottom, where you look at the first element of a set of child nodes and work your way through to the bottom. When the news is accessed, displayed and read, you would want the newest news to be at the top with older news below it. Since AddNewsEntry creates new news, this means that the new entry being created should be inserted at the top of the list of all the other news. Of course, if there are no news entries, it would just be added normally. That's what the next section of code does.

if (news_xml.firstChild.hasChildNodes()){
news_xml.firstChild.insertBefore(entryNode, news_xml.firstChild.firstChild);
}else news_xml.firstChild.appendChild(entryNode);

This checks to see whether or not the news element (news_xml.firstChild) has any child nodes. If so, insertBefore is used to put the new entry at the top of the list within those nodes. Otherwise, appendChild is used to simply add it.

That brings us to the end of the function where one final action takes place to make sure that the news entries don't go beyond the specified maximum number of entries.

while (GetNewsCount(news_xml) > max_news_items){

Where GetNewsCount is a custom function used to count the number of news items or entries within the news element of the passed XML.

The EditNewsEntry function works a little differently, obviously. After all, its editing news, not adding it. Here's what it looks like:

EditNewsEntry = function(news_xml, node_index, title, body){
var entry = GetEntry(news_xml, node_index);
if (title == "" && body == ""){
return (0);
if (title == "") title = "(none)";
if (body == "") body = "(none)";
entry.attributes.date = new Date().toString();
var titleTextNode = entry.firstChild.firstChild;
var bodyTextNode = entry.firstChild.nextSibling.firstChild;
titleTextNode.nodeValue = title;
bodyTextNode.nodeValue = body;

Since this function can edit any one of the multiple news entries, in addition to the arguments received by AddNewsEntry, EditNewsEntry also gets a node_index argument that specifies which node exactly is to be edited. The reference to that particular node is then obtained using the custom function GetEntry.

var entry = GetEntry(news_xml, node_index);

Next some checks are made for both the title and news arguments. If both are empty, the entry is removed and the function is exited using return - this being the little added delete feature (which could have just as well been used separately). Otherwise if any one of them is empty, "(none)" is used to represent their contents.

if (title == "" && body == ""){
return (0);
if (title == "") title = "(none)";
if (body == "") body = "(none)";

All that remains is the simple re-assignment of text values. As with many other cases, variables are used to help show where this is happening.

entry.attributes.date = new Date().toString();
var titleTextNode = entry.firstChild.firstChild;
var bodyTextNode = entry.firstChild.nextSibling.firstChild;
titleTextNode.nodeValue = title;
bodyTextNode.nodeValue = body;

Once a new entry is added with AddNewsEntry or an existing one edited or deleted with EditNewsEntry, The XML can then be saved to the server. This is accomplished using the SaveNews function.

SaveNews = function(news_xml){
content_txt.htmlText = "<i>Saving and Loading...</i>";
news_xml.xmlDecl = ""; // fixes duplication bug
news_xml.sendAndLoad(save_script, news_xml);

Using sendAndLoad the new version is sent to the server to be saved and the result which is simply the new XML is sent back to the news_xml instance whose onLoad displays the entries in the XML received.

news_xml.onLoad = function(success){
if (success) ShowNews(this);
else content_txt.text = "Error loading XML file";

That combined with the other details of the file give you a working news editor! Granted, these aren't RSS feeds we're dealing with here, but the simple format of the XML used here still gets the job done (and an RSS feed would actually not be too terribly far off from this).

Note: If you look at the ShowNews function in the source file, you'll notice that the title and news body is set to the text field's htmlText.

content_txt.htmlText += "<b>" + title +"</b><br>"
content_txt.htmlText += entries[i].attributes.date + "<br>"
content_txt.htmlText += body +"<br><br>";

This means that when you make or edit a news entry, you would need to use text that is valid HTML (i.e. using character entity references where needed. This does NOT mean that the XML contains invalid characters. The XML correctly replaces those characters as needed when stored. However, when they reloaded and placed in the textfield, they are restored to their respective characters. For example, &lt; becomes <. This can be desirable or not. If you don't want this behavior, use the text nodes toString() value as opposed to their nodeValue to be placed within the htmlText of the text field.


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