AS2 OOP: Conclusion
         by senocular  

So there ya. ActionScript 2.0. Was it all you had hoped for and more? Yeah, I expected more as well. You have to think about it though. Macromedia cannot very easily pull drastic overhaul on its Flash player - one of the, if not the most widely distributed web plug-ins in the world. An entirely new programming environment would require a new runtime environment which would mean Flash really wouldn't be much of Flash anymore. Then the plug-in would have to basically provide two players - one for the new Flash environment and one for the classic environment. It doesn't seem like Flash is about to jump ship and head in that direction just yet.

Nevertheless, ActionScript 2.0 does completely change the way you look at ActionScript. Those who were brought up on Flash are now getting a taste of the real programmer's world, while other developers migrating to ActionScript are given a much more friendly coding environment, something a little more familiar and inviting.

If you have comments, questions or corrections please let me know. And for additional help, don't forget to visit our forums!



Source Files Summary

Bouncing Balls (zip) origin
French Fries (zip) origin
Secretive Lady (zip) origin
Intrinsic Wonderful (zip) origin
SimpleFightingStyle Interface (zip) origin
Super Chair (zip) origin
Flash "Game" using a package (zip) origin


External Links Summary

ECMAScript Edition 4 specification origin
SciTE|Flash origin
The V2 Component Event Model Part 1- EventDispatcher origin




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