AS1 OOP: Inheritance
         by senocular  

A deconstructor is a type of method for object instances that is used to essentially delete that object as best as it can. Just as a constructor “constructs” an object, a deconstructor would “deconstruct” it. In other programming languages, deconstructors are used to deallocate or free the memory used by dynamically created content in objects. With Flash, though, objects exist as long as their exists a variable reference to that object. Deleting an object is just a matter of deleting or re-defining all references to that object. When all references are gone, Flash take care of deallocating all memory associated with that object on its own. So, when it comes down to it, there really isn’t much in the way of deconstructor functionality for objects in Flash and Flash has no way of handling them by default. This doesn’t mean they can’t be made. There are certain situations where you might need a deconstructor of sorts to help with the cleanup of a no longer needed object.

One such instance is with the use of ASBroadcaster. When a new instance is created and added as a listener of the class constructor, a reference to that object instance is kept in the constructor’s listeners list. If you ever decide to delete an object, you would too want to remove that object from that list with removeListener. This way, while cycling through the listeners, calling event methods, the constructor wouldn’t be going through supposedly deleted objects. Of course, if they’re still in the listeners list, a reference still exists and the object wouldn’t be technically deleted even though the variable it was assigned to during creation was.

Deconstructors can also be used for other needs required in object removal such as reducing a static count property, keeping track of the number of instances created etc. Let’s apply a deconstructor to the child example. After all, children are frequently deleted, right.

// movieclip to send onEnterFrame events
onEnterFrameEvent.onEnterFrame = function(){

// child class constructor
Child = function(name){
Child.count++; // count children = name;
this.ageInSeconds = 0;
// child class deconstructor
Child.prototype.deconstruct = function(){
Child.removeListener(this); // remove as listener
Child.count--; // adjust count
// anything else you might need to "clean up"
Child.prototype.grow = function(){
this.ageInSeconds += 1/20;
trace( + "'s age: "+ this.ageInSeconds);
Child.onEnterFrame = function(){

// new instances
son = new Child("Sam");
daughter = new Child("Jessica");

// delete son; // <- ineffective
// though deleted, son will still grow since
// its still referenced in the listeners list
// of the child constructor. It will need
// to be removed as well.

// call son deconstructor
delete son; // removes son variable reference

/* Example output:
Jessica's age: 0.05
Jessica's age: 0.1
Jessica's age: 0.15
Jessica's age: 0.2
Jessica's age: 0.25

/* Example output if only used delete son:
Sam's age: 0.05
Jessica's age: 0.05
Sam's age: 0.1
Jessica's age: 0.1
Sam's age: 0.15

A deconstructor like this isn’t a solve-all solution though. It takes care of business for the class itself. You may still have other object references out there pointing to the object you might want to delete. Its up to you to take care of that best you can by keeping organized in your variable handling.


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