Wrapping your Listbox Content  - Page 3
       by kirupa  |  7 July 2009

In the previous page you went into your ListBox's ItemsPanel and replaced the StackPanel with a panel that wraps - aptly called a WrapPanel. In this page, you will dive into another part of your ListBox's anatomy tomake your content truly wrap.

Constraining the Width of the ItemsPresenter
As you can see, there is no wrapping going on. The reason why you see your content horizontally stacked is because the width of the WrapPanel is scaling with the size of the contents inside it. This means instead of your content reaching the edges of your WrapPanel and moving down to the next row, your WrapPanel just decides to keep increasing its width to accommodate the content.

 To fix this, you need to go into the ListBox's template that specifies what parts of the ListBox actually look like. To edit your ListBox's template, right click on it and, from the menu that appears, go to Edit Template | Edit a Copy.

[ let's look at what your ListBox's template looks like ]

After you click on Edit a Copy, you will see a dialog that says "Create Style Resource" appear:

[ before you can see the template, you need to see a dialog first ]

Just accept all of the default values and press OK. Once you hit OK, you will now be inside the ListBox editing its template. What you see on your artboard will not be different from what you may have seen a few seconds ago. What will be different is what you see in your object tree:

[ your object tree now displays the innards of your ListBox ]

Expand your tree until you see something shown as the ItemsPresenter appear. It will be nested inside a Border and ScrollViewer:

[ find the ItemsPresenter by expanding your tree ]

When you select it, notice what is selected on your artboard. It is your collection of squares that your ListBox is hosting. Keep your ItemsPresenter selected, and take a look at the Width property found in the Layout category in your Properties Inspector:

[ take a look at your ItemsPresenter's Width property ]

Notice that the width of your ItemsPresenter is pretty large. If you are working with my example, the width is 1008 pixels! This width needs to be constrained so that it is no wider than the ScrollViewer that is the parent of the ItemsPresenter. By constraining the width, you ensure that your wrap panel adequately wraps its contents instead of expanding to accomodate the contents on the same row.

There are several ways you can constrain the width. The easiest (and incorrect) way is to specify an actual, numerical value in the Width property. For example, setting a value like 300, will cause your WrapPanel to properly wrap the content:

[ while it may seem to wrap, there are problems with this approach ]

While this is pretty easy to do, you should not do this. The reason is that your applications will probably be resizable where the size of your listbox will increase or decrease depending on how much space there is available. If your ItemsPresenter's width is set to a fixed value, then the contents of your listbox will not scale appropriately. They will remain at whatever width you specified.

The correct approach is to bind the width of your ItemsPresenter to the ActualWidth of its parent ScrollViewer control. This is a standard element-to-element binding, so go back to your Width property and click on the tiny square to the right of the Width property. Once you have clicked on the tiny square (known as the Properties Marker), a menu will appear. From this menu, click on the Data Binding item:

[ select Data Binding from the Width property's Properties Marker ]

After you clicked on Data Binding, the Create Data Binding dialog will appear:

[ this dialog will allow you to specify the various binding properties ]

From the Create Data Binding dialog, click on the Element Property tab. Once you have clicked on the Element Property tab, you will see a variant of your object tree appear on the left-hand column. Select your ScrollViewer from this tree, and from the Properties list on the right column, select the ActualWidth property:

[ you want to bind to your ScrollViewer's ActualWidth property ]

Once you have done this, click OK to accept the changes you have made and to close the Create Data Binding dialog. If you look at your Width property now, notice that you see an actual value specified as well, but the difference is that the value is dependent on something else - hence the yellow border indicating a binding is present:

[ the yellow color indcates that the value isn't local but from a binding ]

Well, that is it. You have successfully performed the two big steps needed to have your listbox wrap its contents. If you test your application now, notice that your items successfully wrap:

[ the wrapping - I see it! ]

Best of all, if you make your application's size a bit larger, your listbox and its contents resize accordingly:

[ the wrapping behavior is as you would expect ]

You are almost done with this tutorial. There are just a few loose ends we need to tie up, so let's do that in the next page.

Onwards to the next page!

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