Creating a Custom Button - Page 2
       by kirupa  |  22 November 2008

In the previous page, we left off with an image you inserted and resized. In this page, let's move on by turning your image into a button and looking into its template.

Going from an Image to a Button
What we want to do is create rollover effects on a button. While that conversion is entirely optional, you will find that it becomes much easier when you go from an image and towards a control such as a button that has more functionality for dealing with mouse interactions.

  1. Once you have appropriately resized your image, keep it selected, and go to Tools | Make Button:

[ with your image selected, go to Tools | Make Button ]

  1. When you select Make Button, the Create Style Resource dialog will appear. In your Name (Key) field, change the name provided from ButtonStyle1 to something like ImageButtonStyle:

[ give your resource the name ImageButtonStyle ]

Once you have changed the name, hit OK to close this dialog and to convert your image into a button.

You will know that your image has been converted into a button when you look at your object tree and your image now has a button icon next to it. If you didn't give your image a name originally, the default name [Button] text displayed instead of [Image]:

[ you know you have a button when the icon and name indicates that you do! ]

  1. With your image now converted into a button, it is time to dig into its template and see the internals of what your newly converted button is made up of. With your button now selected, go to the breadcrumb bar found towards the top of your artboard.

    Click on the [Button] button and, from the menu that appears, go to Edit Control Parts (Template) | Edit Template:

[ you can easily edit the template by using the breadcrumb bar ]

  1. You will now find yourself editing your Button's template. A "template" is basically the name referring to all of the various things that make up the internals of your control.
    In our case with the Button, your template's contents look as follows:

[ your control is actually made up of many other controls! ]

You have your Grid that controls the layout, and it contains two children - your Image (which is what you started out with) and the ContentPresenter control

  1. Select your ContentPresenter control. When you select it, you will notice that the Button text that appeared over your image after you converted it a few steps ago is now selected:

[ when you converted your image into a button, this Button text appeared ]

This text displayed via your ContentPresenter is not very important for us, so hit your Delete key to go ahead and remove it.

Great - you now have your button setup just the way you want for how it looks by default. The last thing that remains is adding the different look when you rollover or click on the button. Let's look into that on the next page.

Onwards to the next page!

1 | 2 | 3

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