Adding UI Elements Programmatically
       by kirupa  |  15 April 2009

For most of the Silverlight and WPF tutorials on this site, I have shown you how you can use Expression Blend to easily create an application. This often involved drawing out a control, such as a button, and adding some code to make it do something on your design surface (also known as the artboard):

[ look, there is a button! ]

When designing UI, this is great. You get to visually place and arrange things that are meant to be visually noticed, and for anything else behind the scenes, you can write some code such as making the button do something when Clicked.

In this article, I am going to explain something completely different. I am going to show you how you can use code to add and use controls and other elements. All you will see in Expression Blend is a blank slate!

Quick Example: Programmatically Adding a Button
Since I have already spoken about the button and invited it to this party, I figure we'll make the most of it and use it in our examples. First, create a new Silverlight or WPF project in Expression Blend. Once you have created your new project, you shouldn't really see anything on your artboard:

[ a new project creates an eerily empty artboard ]

What I want you to do is open this solution in Visual Studio. Go to your Projects panel, right click on the Solution icon, and select Edit in Visual Studio:

Once you have selected Edit in Visual Studio, a few moments later, Visual Studio will open this exact same project. From Visual Studio's Solution Explorer panel, expand either Window1.xaml or MainWindow.xaml and open the C# code file by double clicking on it:

[ open the code-behind file for your XAML file ]

After double-clicking on the code file, you will see the code that powers your app. Much like what you saw earlier in Blend's design surface, there really isn't much to look at since this is a new project with nothing done to it:

/// <summary>
/// Interaction logic for MainWindow.xaml
/// </summary>
public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow()
// Insert code required on object creation below this point.

Let's fix that by adding some code. Add the following non-grayed out lines below the "Insert code required..." text in your code file:

public partial class MainWindow : Window
public MainWindow()
// Insert code required on object creation below this point.
Button clickMeButton = new Button();
clickMeButton.Content = "Click Me";

Don't worry about what the code actually means. In time all will be explained to you. Just hit F5 and run your application. After a few anxious moments where everything gets built, your application will appear. Depending on whether you created a WPF or Silverlight app, you will see one of the following:

[ a giant button fills your WPF window ]

[ a fairly large button fills up your browser in Silverlight ]

Once you have marveled at your creation, close your application window or browser. Jump back into Expression Blend where the XAML file for the code-behind file you just edited is open. Notice that you still see the same thing...which is nothing:

[ despite what you see when previewing your app, Blend shows nothing! ]

The reason you are not seeing anything in Blend is because everything you did was done programmatically via the C# code file. Your XAML file, the file that Blend primarily edits, has no idea about what is going on. While this disconnect between the XAML file and the C# file may seem odd, they are actually more related than you may realize. In the next few sections, let's look at various aspects of programmatically adding a control such as sizing, positioning, adding event handlers, and more.

Onwards to the next page!

Declaring and Initializing a Visual Element
It may seem a bit odd at first, but a visual element such as a Control, UIElement, etc. is nothing more than a class with some visuals attached to it. For the sake of simplicity, I am going to focus primarily on controls, but everything you see can be applied to any visual element you run into.

Anyway, the syntax you would use for declaring and initializing a class is the same one you can use with controls as well. For example, as you may have seen in the button example, the code for declaring and initializing my button is as follows:

Button clickMeButton = new Button();

I create an object called clickMeButton, and it its of type Button as well. Pretty much every control you could ever imagine using can be programmatically generated this way such as a CheckBox, Listbox, RadioButton, ScrollViewer, etc.

Adding to a Parent (aka the Visual Tree)
Simply declaring and initializing your control is not good enough to have it appear when you run your application. What you need to do is add it to your application's visual tree. To explain differently without mentioning "visual tree", internally, all of your controls and everything you see in your app is nested in some hierarchy. This hierarchy determines the order in which content is drawn, what appears above what else, and more. This hierarchy is commonly called the visual tree.

What you need to do is find the right location in the visual tree to add your control to. Once you do that, your control will be visible. This is actually pretty straightforward. If you look in your Objects and Timeline panel in Expression Blend, you will see a snapshot of your visual tree for the elements that have been defined in XAML:

Notice the nesting that is taking place with controls being placed inside other controls such as Window, LayoutRoot, and the two Grids. Those controls that can host other controls are quite special. Your task is to find a reference to one of those host controls and add your control into them.

If you can't think of any controls that would work, the controls you see in the Layout menu such as the Grid, Canvas, Wrap/StackPanel, etc. will work:

[ any layout panel will allow you to add children elements ]

To get all technical on you, any control that derives from Panel such as the controls you see in the above menu will work. Content controls such as Button will work as well, but you are limited to only one child.

Anyway, all of this banter gives you some background, but it probably doesn't solve your problem. To have your control appear, first pick which element it will be nested under. For a new Silverlight or WPF application, Blend automatically creates a Grid layout panel called LayoutRoot for you. You can use LayoutRoot as the parent of a control you want to add:

[ you can always place your controls into the LayoutRoot ]

Now that you have found a control, the next step is to tell your newly initialized control to add itself to it:

Button clickMeButton = new Button();

Notice, in the above code, I directly get a reference to the LayoutRoot element, access its Children collection, and use the Add method to pass in the name of the new Button object I created. Once you have done this, when you run your application, your Button object will be created, and it will be added to the visual tree under your LayoutRoot Grid element.

The only thing to note is that, if you were to add controls in Blend with the goal of programmatically placing children under them, you will need to explicitly name them. While there are ways to access unnamed elements via code, it is much easier to go this.ElementName as opposed to iterating over all elements in the tree.

If you run your application at this point, you will see the button displayed. It will probably display at a size and appear in a position that you probably don't want. Let's fix that next.

Specifying the Size
The default size your controls get when they are added are determined by either the control's defaults or the panel they get placed into. For the most part, the default values are not what you would want. You can easily change the size of your controls by setting the Width and Height properties:

Button clickMeButton = new Button();
clickMeButton.Width = 100;
clickMeButton.Height = 30;

Running the application with the above two lines set, my button no longer fills up the entire window:

[ my button is a more respectable, presentable size! ]

When you set an explicit value for Width and Height, the values are absolute. No amount of window or browser resizing will cause your control's size to deviate from what you have specified.

Specifying the Position
Alas, we get to the more tricky part of this article - that is, how do you position an element exactly where you would want it? Positioning your elements depends greatly on the panel you are parented under. For Canvas, you can do the following:

Button clickMeButton = new Button();
clickMeButton.Width = 100;
clickMeButton.Height = 30;
Canvas.SetLeft(clickMeButton, 75);
Canvas.SetTop(clickMeButton, 100);

The Canvas's SetLeft and SetTop methods can be used to specify the X and Y position of your control. In my example, my button will be positioned at x/y coordinates 75, 100.

For all controls that are not somehow nested under a Canvas, the above approach will not work. You will instead need a more general solution that involves either adjusting the margins or fiddling with the transforms. I describe how to adjust the transform in the following blog post:

Properly positioning elements will require another article of its own, so I am not going to go into any more detail. The one thing to note is that the element itself takes care of some of its positioning, but many layout panels such as Grid have alignments and columns/rows that affect the alignment of all of their children as well. You should not ignore the parent in favor of the child or vice versa. I guess that is just good advice for life in general!

information here lacks crispness

Events and Event Handlers
The final topic of the day will be events and event handlers. A common part of your workflow is to probably draw out your control in Expression Blend, jump over to the Event list in the Properties Inspector, enter a name for your event handler from a list of events, and then be taken into Visual Studio or the code editor in Expression Blend 3 for adding the code that will execute when this event is fired.

Here is a screenshot of the event list for a Button in Silverlight:

[ the event list for a Silverlight Button in Expression Blend ]

While this seems like a very UI-friendly task, it is quite straightforward to actually do all of this in code itself. The following code shows how you can take your button and assign its Click event to an event handler using just code:

public MainWindow()
// Insert code required on object creation below this point.
Button clickMeButton = new Button();
clickMeButton.Width = 100;
clickMeButton.Height = 30;
clickMeButton.Click += new RoutedEventHandler(DisplayMessage);
void DisplayMessage(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
throw new NotImplementedException();

The amount of code you have to write is actually far less than what you see above. The first thing you need to do is find the event on your control you want to link to an event handler:

While you don't get a filtered list of all events the control supports, such as what you see in Blend, but you can cycle through all of your control's properties and stop at the ones that have a lightning bolt icon. Of course, after some experience with using events, you will probably have memorized the handful of useful events and be able to jump directly to what you want without having to rely on the auto-complete.

Once you have picked your element, all you have to do to assign an event handler is type in the the += characters:

Immediately after you type in the += characters, a tooltip will appear giving you an indication of what you need to write. Of course, you can always do what I do, and bypass all of the typing by hitting your TAB character like the tooltip also mentions. Let's actually do that. Just hit the TAB key. Once you have hit TAB, the type of the event handler that matches your event will appear with text selection placed on the name of your event hanlder:

The default name provided for your event handlers is often too generic, so you can just type in your new name since text selection is on the default name provided:

After you enter your event handler name, hit the TAB key again. This time, the actual event handler will be created for you:

void InterestingName(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
throw new NotImplementedException();

You can erase the line that throws the NotImplementedException and add the code that you want executed when this event handler gets called.

Knowing Which Element fired the Event
When you are dynamically creating elements and having event handlers listen to events on them, knowing which element fired the event will be important. For example, let's say I programmatically generate a grid of buttons as shown below:

The code for generating them is similar to what you saw before, but the difference is that I place it all inside a for loop so that I can get nine copies of the element instead of just one:

public MainPage()
// Required to initialize variables
for (int i = 0; i < 9; i++)
Button squareButton = new Button();
squareButton.Height = 100;
squareButton.Width = 100;
squareButton.Margin = new Thickness(10,10,10,10);
squareButton.Style = this.Resources["MyCustomButtonStyle"] as Style;
squareButton.Content = i;
squareButton.Click += new RoutedEventHandler(ButtonClick);
private void ButtonClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
Button clickedButton = sender as Button;

Notice that each button you create has the Click event wired up to the ButtonClick event handler. If you had to visualize how this would look, it would look as follows:

revisit quality of image

Even though you have nine buttons, you only have one event handler that gets called each time the button gets clicked. The problem is, how will you know which button initiated the click event that caused the event handler to get called?

The way you do that is by using your event handler's arguments. The first argument is an object whose name is sender:

private void ButtonClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
Button clickedButton = sender as Button;

Each time your event handler gets called, this sender object contains a reference to whatever element fired the event. The thing to note, though, is that sender is of type object. This is as generic as something can get in .NET.

What you need to do is actually cast your sender as something a bit more specialized. If you know what control all of the clicked items will be, you can just cast your sender as that control itself. In our example, because this event handler is only being called by Button, I can safely cast the sender as a Button:

private void ButtonClick(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
Button clickedButton = sender as Button;

You may be wondering why you need to worry about casting your sender object as the type that you want. The reason is that, objects in .NET can take various forms. The form they take dictates what they are capable of, and more importantly, what they allow you to access.

Having your Button actually be cast as a generic object, you only have access to the following properties:

By casting my sender as a Button, I have access to all properties any Button object would have:

The sender that gets passed in did not change. What properties the sender actually exposed did change depending on whether it was cast as an object or as a Button. You should be careful though. If you cast your sender into something it isn't, especially if it is something more specialized, then you will run into various errors and exceptions.

One of the takeaways of this article is that everything you can do in Expression Blend, you can do in code itself. The downside is pretty obvious. You get no friendly design-time support. Everything you do only becomes visible when you run your application in your window or browser, and that can make designing complicated UIs very cumbersome.

Instead, what you should look at is see what makes the most sense for you. In general, most applications you create will rarely require you to create visual elements via code for insertion into a visual tree. In all my years of fiddling with this in Flash and Silverlight/WPF, I primarily use this technique for procedural animations where dynamically adding and moving things around the screen is really cool.


Just a final word before we wrap up. If you have a question and/or want to be part of a friendly, collaborative community of over 220k other developers like yourself, post on the forums for a quick response!

Kirupa's signature!

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