Introduction to XML in Flash
       by senocular

Creating and Editing XML With ActionScript
Extracting information from an XML document or from an XML object from Flash is one thing. Editing that information and its structure after it's loaded into Flash is another. It's great that Flash can receive content via external documents but sometimes it also has to send it. And for information to be properly sent, it needs to be properly formatted, changed, altered, computated... whatever. Luckily, ActionScript provides methods for doing just that, all courtesy of the XML object. I suppose even if you don't need to send anything anywhere, you still may need to alter XML in Flash just to facilitate the ever changing needs of your Flash movie, though, as I said before, it may be easier to extract it once and keep it in a format that's more usable for you.

Straight out, here are the methods used to make/edit XML in ActionScript. We'll go through each one individually and see exactly how they work. Also understand that these are available for reference in Flash help (Flash help is your friend!).

Method Actions
new XML("xml text") Creates a new XML instance.
XML Instances
parseXML("xml text") Sets the XML of an instance to the passed text.
createElement("node name")

Creates an element node.

createTextNode("text") creates a text node.
XML Nodes
appendChild(childNode) Inserts a child node at the end of the current element's child nodes.
insertBefore(childNode, beforeNode) Inserts a child node before any child specified within the current element's child nodes.
cloneNode(deep); Duplicates a node.

Removes a node.

hasChildNodes(); Determines if node has child nodes.

It is important to remember that when working with XML, you're dealing with two different object types, an XML instance and XMLNodes that define the XML within that instance. Since the XML object extends or inherits from XMLNode, that means that all XML instances can also be treated as XMLNodes (if you'll recall, an XML instance itself acts as a node to hold all other XML within the instance). So anything above specific to XMLNodes also works with XML instances, however those for XML instances are not meant to be used on XML nodes.

[ xml instances are also xml node instances (are also objects) ]

Remembering this is especially important on quirky methods like createElement and createTextNode which work off of XML instances and not nodes within that instance. So lets begin with the methods for creating and editing XML.


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