Backing Up/Restoring
MySQL Databases
       by kirupa  ::  17 March 2004

In the previous page I explained how to log-in to your system. This page will contain the other half of this tutorial and cover the commands required the backup and restore your database.

The following commands will need to be typed into your command line. There are numerous ways to arrange your commands, and if you refer to other sites, you will find the commands to be a little different than what I present. Don't worry - the examples on this site work, and I'm sure an alternate method will also work.

Backing up Database
The command for backing up your database is the following:

  mysqldump -u username -p database_name > /path/backup.sql

If you want to backup your database, type the above command in your command line with the above text in blue modified to suit your username, database name, and path database should be saved to.

After you have typed the above command, press Enter. Your database won't be backed up yet. You will first be prompted for your password. The password you will need to input is the password for your MySQL database. After you input your password and press Enter, your database will be successfully backed up to the location you specified.

For example, if I have the username blarg, database name halo, and am interested in saving the database into the same, root location I am currently in, here is how my command would look:

  mysqldump -u blarg -p halo > backup.sql

After doing the above, the backup.sql file in my example will be located in the root location on my server:

[ oh look! there is my backup.sql file! ]

:That is all there is to backing up your database!

Restoring your Database
Now that you have your database backed up, you may find yourself needing to restore your database! The command for restoring your database is the following:

  mysql -u username -pPassword database_name < path/db.sql

Note the lack of a space between -p and Password. Also, the password is for the MySQL database. For example, using the previous values for username, database name, and path, my version of the command will look like the following:

  mysql -u blarg -pPassword halo < backup.sql

In my example, the database halo will now receive all the data from the file backup.sql.

If you are interested in restoring a compressed database, you will have to uncompress the file first. The following command combines both the steps of uncompressing your file and transferring its contents to a database:

  gunzip < backup.sql.gz | mysql -u blarg -pPassword db_name

I talk about compression in the following section.

When you backup a large database, you will find that the .sql file is fairly large. If you archive your databases for future use, you may appreciate the built-in compression features of MySQL.

There are several compression methods you can use, but I will be explaining how to use the GZ compression format. In my backup of the kirupaForum database, I was able reduce my file size by about 50% by compressing the data to the GZ compression.

If you want to compress your existing .sql file, you will need to use the following command:

  gzip -X path/to/backup.sql

In the above command, X is a number between 1 and 9 that specifies the level of compression used. The higher your number, the more compressed (smaller) your file will be.

For example, this is the command I use to compress my data:

  gzip -9 forum_backup.sql

If you want to directly compress data from a mySQL database without having to gzip separately like you did above, you would employ the following command: command:

  mysqldump -u username -p db_name | gzip > backup.sql.gz

After you type the above and press enter, you should be prompted for your password. Enter your password, and you should be all set.

Likewise, to uncompress a compressed file, you will use the following command:

  gunzip backup.sql.gz

After you uncompress your file, you will see a larger backup.sql file that can then be imported into your database using the methods I outlined towards the top of this page.

 Extra Information
bzip compression - by njs12345
There is another method of compression commonly found on Unix/Linux systems that can be more effective than gzip called bzip2.

For example, linux is 43637kb in it's gzip form, but it is 34794kb in it's bzip form..

In general, it's usage is similar to gzip, but instead of typing gzip -9, you would type:

  bzip2 -z

- njs12345

I hope the information helped. If you have any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to post them on the Forums. Just post your question and I, or our friendly forum helpers, will help answer it.

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