Introduction to OOP in C#: Classes - Page 1
       by kirupa  |  5 January 2007

In the previous page I introduced a lot of terminology and helped explain what classes and objects are by using a planetary example.

Setting Up your Project
In this tutorial, you will be writing some code to put into practice what you read. While you can use any IDE, I will provide instructions for what most of you probably use for your .NET development, Visual Studio 2005:

  1. Launch Visual Studio. Once launched, go to File | New | Project:

[ create a new project by going to File | New | Project ]

  1. The New Project window should appear. From this window, select Console Application under the Templates view:

[ create a new Console Application ]

  1. Glance your eyes down a few inches and enter ClassTutorial as the name for your project:

[ call your new project ClassTutorial ]

  1. Press OK to accept the changes.

You now have a empty project with a Main method that you can use to test your code in.

Defining a Class
Let's now take a look at defining a class. Copy and paste this code directly above your class Program definition in the code view:

class Planet
public int radius;
public int gravity;
private string name;

For clarification on where exactly to paste the code, my entire code view looks like the following after pasting the above code:

using System;
using System.Text;
namespace ClassTutorial
class Planet
public int radius;
public int gravity;
private string name;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)

Let's get back the Planet class you copied and pasted earlier. In the first line I use the class keyword followed by the name of our class. It is good programming convention to capitalize the first letter of a class.

The body of our class contains three fields (variables): radius, gravity, name. Any object that is based on the planet class will have a copy of these three variables and any values you assign to these variables.

If you wanted to use our Planet class, all you need to do is create an object of type Planet:

Planet earth = new Planet();
earth.gravity = 9.81;
earth.radius = 6378;

Notice that I use the new keyword to initialize earth to refer to an object of type Planet. With our earth object created, we can easily assign values to the variables radius and gravity as shown above. If you attempt to assign a value to the name field using, you will receive an error. The reason is that name is a private field whereas radius and gravity are both public fields.

Public and Private Modifiers
A public field is one in which you can access the values from outside of the class. For example, an object can access something marked as public as you saw when we assigned values to our gravity and radius fields.

When something is marked private, though, that means only code stored within our class can access it. Earlier, I said that you couldn't access the name field from our earth object. That is because our earth object is beyond the reach of our private name field, so we couldn't access the name field and assign it a name like we did for our public gravity and radius fields.

When you create an object using the new keyword, you use something called a constructor. A constructor is usually a method (function) whose name is same as that of our class, and it often takes in arguments that help initialize any fields that the object would need.

In our Planet class, we do not have a constructor defined. When you do not define a constructor, a default constructor is provided for you. That is why when you typed Planet earth = new Planet(), your compiler did not give you an error.

So, let's modify our Planet class by creating a constructor:

class Planet
public int radius;
public double gravity;
private string name;
// A Constructor
public Planet()
Console.WriteLine("Constructor called!");

In the above code example, notice that I created a simple constructor called Planet(). This constructor does pretty much the same thing as our automatically generated default constructor, but one difference is that in my version, I output "Constructor called!" to the console everytime a new Planet object is created.

A default constructor is not fun. After all, a primary reason for using a constructor is so that your objects can have their fields initialized when they are created. A default constructor doesn't help with that unless you have no fields that need initializing. Since we have three fields that need to be initialized, let's modify our Planet constructor again:

class Planet
public int radius;
public double gravity;
private string name;
// A Constructor
public Planet(int r, int g, string n)
radius = r;
gravity = g;
name = n;

Notice that our constructor takes in three arguments this time. In the body of the constructor, I assign our radius, gravity, and name fields the value of the incoming r, g, and n arguments.

To use the above constructor, you will use the following line:

Planet earth = new Planet(6378, 9.81, "Earth");

Notice that our earlier no-argument new Planet() constructor will no longer work. Since your constructor now takes in three arguments, you must provide the three arguments needed or else you won't be able to create any new objects of type Planet.

But notice that, since you pass in the values you want your fields to have, you no longer need to initialize them separately. If you want to know what values your earth object's radius and gravity variables possess, all you have to is type Console.WriteLine(earth.radius + ", " + earth.gravity);

Despite our constructor simplifying how fields are initialized, we still cannot access our private name field outside of the Planet class. Notice, though, that our constructor was able to assign the value "Earth" to our name field because the constructor is inside the class itself. Hopefully before the next section is over, we will figure out a way to access the data stored by our name variable!

Onwards to the next page!

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