Data Binding to CLR Objects - Page 7
       by kirupa  |  27 July 2007

In the previous page, you wrapped up this tutorial. In this page, let's take a look back at why you did some of the things you did.

Review: Tying up Loose Ends
In this section, let's look back at parts of this tutorial that I rushed through and take a step back to better understand why we made some of the choices we did. Let's first take a look at the C# code I hastily made you copy and paste:

Examining the Code
In a nutshell, our C# code defines a program that simple returns a list of all fonts currently installed on our system:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
using System.Windows.Media;
namespace FontPreviewer
class FontCollection : ObservableCollection<FontFamily>
public FontCollection()
foreach (FontFamily f in Fonts.SystemFontFamilies)

Let's go through the code line by line:

namespace FontPreviewer

In the above line, you specify the namespace your code belongs to. It is pretty important that your namespace name matches the name of your WPF application's namespace. If you used a program like Visual Studio / C# Express to add your new class file, the namespace information is automatically provided for you.

class FontCollection : ObservableCollection<FontFamily>

In this line, I provide my class name - FontCollection. Beyond just specifying the class name, more importantly, I am extending my class by the ObservableCollection class. An ObservableCollection is one of a number of classes that notify the UI when changes are made, and this class implements the INotifyCollectionChanged interface.

That last detail is important because one of the goals of data binding is to separate your data source (Model) from your UI (View). When updates are made to your data, you ideally want your UI to automatically be notified of the change and update itself without you manually targeting each UI/View and forcing it to do a refresh. The refresh and update properties are not used in this tutorial because you do not add or remove fonts while running your application.

public FontCollection()

This is just the name of our constructor. There really isn't really more to say about this line except that it's name matches the name of our class.

foreach (FontFamily f in Fonts.SystemFontFamilies)

In the above line, I go through each font in our Fonts.SystemFontFamilies collection and add each FontFamily to ourselves: this.Add(f). Even though I did not explicitly define the Add method, I am able to use the Add method on our parent class because our FontCollection class extends ObservableCollection which does contain an Add method for us to use.

Another Type of Data Binding: UI to UI
There is no hard set rule on what makes a valid data binding. All you need for a data binding in WPF is a target and a source. In this tutorial, you encountered two types of data binding. One type was the binding between a CLR data source and a UI element. The other type of binding was where you bound properties of one UI element to the properties of another UI element.

Let's examine the latter case of the UI property to UI property binding in greater detail. In one part of your tutorial, you set your TextBlock's FontFamily property to the Text property used by a TextBlock. In many ways it seems a bit baffling that even works.

On one hand, the font of your text is determined by an object of type FontFamily. Your data from the Text property is of type String. In procedural code in C#, you would have run into an error if you attempted to set the FontFamily equal to the Text value. You are able to get away with this, though, because of type conversions that go on in the background.

Let's look at our FontCollectionTemplate data template's XAML:

<DataTemplate x:Key="FontCollectionTemplate">
<TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=Source, Mode=OneWay}" x:Name="TextBlock" FontFamily="{Binding Path=Text, ElementName=TextBlock, Mode=Default}" Padding="3,3,0,0"/>

Notice that your binding already knows that what it is looking for is of type FontFamily. The rest is just matching what you need from your TextBlock's Text property. That matching  works because there is a type converter in FontFamily that takes String information and creates a working FontFamily object.

For a sanity check, if you were to look in Blend's FontFamily property for your textblock, notice what value is displayed:

The value displayed in your FontFamily property is the name of the font - a name that is  represented in String format.

One thing to be careful is if you are binding to an invalid value - such as passing in a value for which the target has no default converter for - you will run into an exception. Data binding exceptions are not the easiest of things to find and fix, so be careful when setting up your bindings.

Fixing Poor ComboBox Performance
After your ComboBox items began to be styled in the font they were displaying, you may have noticed the performance of your combobox decrease drastically when you tried expanding it for the first few times. For the solution and a better explanation of the problem, my blog post on this topic should help you out.

Download Source Files
If you are curious to look at my implementation of the Font Previewer application, download and extract the final source files for this project:

Download Source Files

Just a final word before we wrap up. If you have a question and/or want to be part of a friendly, collaborative community of over 220k other developers like yourself, post on the forums for a quick response!

Kirupa's signature!


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