Creating a Simple Text to Speech App - Page 1
       by kirupa  |  20 August 2007

In the previous page, you got to test out the application you will be creating. Beyond seeing what you will create, you started creating the interface that will describe how your application looks. Let's pick up from where we left off and continue working on the interface.

  1. Ok, now we've spent enough time playing with our window's background color. Let's start adding our controls. Let's first add a control for taking our text input, and that control will be a Textbox. In your Toolbox, you'll see various groupings of controls. Find the Document/Text category, and the control that is already selected should be your Textbox. Simply double-click on that control's icon:

[ double-click on your Textbox ]

After you double-clicked on the TextBox control, a textbox will be added to your Window:

[ a new, default TextBox control is added ]

  1. Your newly added textbox is pretty generic. To modify it for this application, increase its width and height, and position it towards the left-center of your window as seen in the following image:

[ alter your textbox until it looks like what it shown in the above image ]

  1. You will see the default TextBox text displayed inside your textbox. Let's leave it there for now, because it gives you a good idea of what the text and its related font styles look like. As you can see, the text seems small when compared to the height of our textbox. Let's fix that.

    With your textbox selected, find the Text panel under Properties. The Font tab will be selected by default, and from that view, change the font size to something larger such as 16 or 18, and press the Bold button to bold the text:

[ increase the font size and click on the Bold button ]

Once you have made the above changes, notice that your default TextBox text inside your textbox looks much better:

[ what text contained inside your textbox looks like ]

  1. Alright - with our textbox's font size and style adjusted, we have no need for the default text. There are several ways of removing the default text. One way is by, with your textbox selected, finding the Common Properties panel and clearing any text located inside the Text property:

[ clear what is displayed inside your textbox by removing all text from the Text property ]

Once you have cleared your Text property, your textbox will become blank with no text displayed inside it:

[ your textbox no longer displays any text by default ]

  1. The final thing we are going to do is give our textbox a name. At the very top of your Properties panel, you'll see a textfield called Name. In that textfield, give your textbox the name textToSpeak:

[ give your textbox the name textToSpeak ]

  1. As of now, we have added a TextBox control for taking user input. What we need next is a way to submit that user input for further processing. That can be done using a button, so let's add one now. From your commonly used controls group in the Toolbox, find and select your Button control:

[ once you have selected your Button, its icon will be displayed ]

Double-click on the Button control to add a default button to your stage. Move and position your button to the right of your textbox as shown in the following image:

[ add your new button and place it to the right of the textbox ]

  1. With your button selected, let's give it a name. Just like before with our textbox, find the Name field and give your button the name speakButton:

[ give your button the name speakButton ]

  1. With the button's name taken care of, let's deal with the cosmetics. Now, our button is much shorter than our textbox. Let's resize our button by making it taller. When you resize your button, you'll notice that guide lines appear indicating that your button's height matches the height of your textbox:

[ use the guide lines to resize your textbox's height to that of your textbox ]

Using these guidelines, you can make sure your button's height matches the height of your textbox.

  1. Just like you adjusted the height of your button, increase the width of your button slightly also. Unlike before, you will not see any guide lines appear because there are no other objects in your vertical path for you to line up to. Simply use your best judgment:

[ resize your button horizontally a bit ]

Your button and textbox controls have been customized and added to your window. We are almost done taking care of the interface, so let's wrap up our UI-related work on the next page.

Onwards to the next page!

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