Resizing the Deep Zoom Composer Template
       by kirupa  |  11 October 2008

When you export a Silverlight project from Deep Zoom Composer, the size of your output is fixed at 800 by 600:

[ the size of your application is fixed and does not scale depending on available space ]

For many cases, that is a good size because it presents a tradeoff between how much is visible on the screen and how much performance you are willing to use. There will be cases, though, where you would want to increase the size of the Silverlight application that Deep Zoom Composer automatically generates.

To resize the template, go to the project folder that Deep Zoom Composer generates for you. The easiest way to access it is by clicking on the View Project folder from the Export confirmation dialog that appears after you export:

[ the View Project Folder button provides you access to the template's source files ]

Your Project Folder will contain a Visual Studio solution along with folders for your Silverlight site and application. It is this solution that you will open in Blend to change the fixed size.

Getting Started with Silverlight 2

This article discusses how to create applications using Silverlight 2. If you do not know how to get started, the Getting Started Page should help you get setup for Silverlight design and development.

Setting up Blend
Open the DeepZoomProject solution in Expression Blend. When you have it opened, take a look at your Project Pane:

[ the Project panel provides you a overview of your projects and files ]

Expand the DeepZoomProjectWeb icon and keep expanding the folders until you hit the DeepZoomProjectTestPage.html document. Right click on that HTML file and set the Startup property on it:

[ set your HTML page as the Startup page ]

By setting the Startup flag on this HTML file, you ensure that when you hit F5 to preview, you are previewing the content from your Web Site and not from your Silverlight application.

Modifying the Size
With your project setup, it's time to get to the fun stuff of actually resizing. From the Project pane that is currently visible, look in the folder labeled DeepZoomProject and open the Page.xaml file:

[ open Page.xaml to begin editing it (if it isn't already displayed for editing )

When you open Page.xaml, you will see on your design surface something that looks like a blank page! Looks can be deceiving, for if you glance at your Object Tree, you will actually see a handful of controls being used:

[ while your application may seem empty, it actually has several controls ]

The controls that we want to modify are UserControl, the control that all other controls bow down to in Silverlight, and msi - the MultiScaleImage control responsible for displaying your Deep Zoom content.

Select your UserControl from the Object Tree. In your Properties Panel, look in the category marked Layout. Change the Width and Height properties from the currently fixed 800 and 600 numbers to Auto by clicking on the Set to Auto button:

[ change the width and height to Auto by clicking on the Set to Auto button ]

This will remove the fixed width and height your Silverlight application is currently bound to. You are about half-way done. From the Object Tree again, select msi and look in the Layout Category of the Properties Inspector just like you did a few seconds ago.

Set the Width and Height to Auto from its fixed size of 800 and 600 respectively. Once you have done that, you will notice your design surface shrinks almost everything down to a very small size:

[ setting everything to Auto makes everything seem smaller in this case ]

That is actually intentional because you now have everything set to auto-resize, and you currently have nothing in your application that takes up much space. You can change this behavior by altering the Design-Time Sizing value, and this article explains how you can do that: Design-Time Sizing in Blend.

Anyway, if you hit F5 now and preview the site in your browser, you will notice that it takes up all of the available space to display your content:

[ your application takes up all available space now ]

In this article, I showed you how to make your Silverlight application take up all of the available space. You can always change the values to a different number if you want a fixed size other than 800 by 600 as well.

Just a final word before we wrap up. If you have a question and/or want to be part of a friendly, collaborative community of over 220k other developers like yourself, post on the forums for a quick response!

Kirupa's signature!


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