Introduction to Sample Data - Page 3
       by kirupa  |  3 May 2010

In the previous page, you took the Sample Data that you created and visualized it on your artboard. After that, we started looking a bit under the covers of why your Sample Data looks the way it does. In this page, let's dig a bit deeper and make a few more changes to see how changing a property will affect your Sample Data.

Changing the Property Type
Right now, your Sample Data has two properties lovingly (and automatically) named Property1 and Property2. Property1 is of type String and Property2 is of type Boolean.

The Boolean property seems a bit out of place with what we are trying to do, so let's change that. Just as before, click on the icon found to the right of the Property2 row:

[ this menu should be familiar to you by now ]

From the menu that appears, click on the Type drop-down and select String:

[ change the type of this property to String ]

Once you have selected String, you will see some settings that allows you to customize your String data a bit more:

[ the property you see depend on the Type and Format you have selected ]

Click on the Format drop-down and select Price. Once you select Price, this menu will look as follows:

[ we want to display Price information ]

Once have applied this setting, click away to apply this setting. Now that this change has been made, take a look at your ListBox whose data values are partly populated from this Property2 property that you just modified:

[ behold the new and improved data! ]

Hmm. It seems like nothing has changed! If you came to that conclusion as well, you are right. The reason is that we haven't actually told our ListBox to use the new and improved version of the sample data. Your listbox is pretty happy using an older version of your data.

What we need to do is overwrite the existing data with the revised data. You can do that easily by dragging your Collection field from the Sample Data panel and dropping it on your ListBox:

[ drag the Collection and drop it onto your ListBox ]

When you drop a Collection onto a ListBox (or another equivalent control that has an ItemsSource), the existing data is replaced with data from the Collection you are dropping. After you drop the Collection that contains the changes you made to Property2, your ListBox would now look as follows:

[ the checkboxes have now been replaced with price values ]

Notice that what used to be checkboxes (corresponding to the Boolean property) have now been replaced with simple text fields that correspond to Price values. Wohoo!

Your ListBox is getting a bit closer to looking like the example I showed you on the first page. In the next page, let's go a step further and add another property to display some images.

Onwards to the next page!

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